Management in border areas by various security forces/agencies

To deal with security, India has different forces that are specialized to deal with different security threat. Conventionally, forces were meant to be only Defence forces but with rising internal challenges  and other threats related to border management, disaster management etc, various forces have come to the for. These forces and agencies in India at … Read more Management in border areas by various security forces/agencies

Security challenges in border areas linkages of organized crime with terrorism.

Organised crime: Organized crime is described as any group having a corporate structure whose main aim is to obtain money through unlawful activities often surviving on fear and corruption. Today, organized crime is business at large scale that is conducting global commerce for the trafficking of illegal services and products as well as developing the … Read more Security challenges in border areas linkages of organized crime with terrorism.

IT Act (2000)

  The Government of India enacted the Information Technology (I.T.) Act with some major objectives to deliver and facilitate lawful electronic, digital, and online transactions, and mitigate cyber-crimes. The original Act contained 94 sections, divided in 13 chapters and 4 schedules. The laws apply to the whole of India. Persons of other nationalities can also be … Read more IT Act (2000)

Basics of cyber security

Cyber security is a process, technique or procedure to ensure information security goals. Aim of Information Security is to provide CIA i.e. Confidentiality of information Integrity of information Availability of information   These 3 parameters (CIA) are called security goals/security services. The other security objectives also include such other parameters as authenticity, authorisation, accounting and … Read more Basics of cyber security

Role of media and Social networking sites in internal security Challenges.  

  Social Media can be defined as any web or mobile based platform that enables an individual or agency to communicate interactively and enables exchange of user generated content and it is explained by a number of tools, which includes blogs, Wikis, discussion forums, micro-blogs, twitter and social networking sites. Internet has become a platform for … Read more Role of media and Social networking sites in internal security Challenges.  

Role of external state and Non-state actor’s in creating challenges to internal security

  State actors are nations/countries which are also known as “states”. They have sovereignty over their own territory and that sovereignty is recognized on the international stage by international organizations such as the United Nations. Non-state actors are organized groups that do not hold any officially recognized territory, though they may control some territory through … Read more Role of external state and Non-state actor’s in creating challenges to internal security

Climate Change

Climate Change It is the long term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods of time Though it has been happening naturally for millions of years, in recent years it has accelerated due to anthropogenic causes and has been causing global warming. UNFCCC defines climate change as – “a change of climate … Read more Climate Change

Biodiversity and its conservation, Hotspots and threats to Biodiversity.

Biodiversity is defined as the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. Basically biodiversity is the total number of genes, species and ecosystems of a region. It includes … Read more Biodiversity and its conservation, Hotspots and threats to Biodiversity.

Basic element of Communication systems, data transmission mode, transmission media, network topologies, network types, communication protocols, network security mechanism.

Elements of a Communication System Elements of a communication system The above figure depicts the elementsof a communication system. There are three essential parts of any communication system, the transmitter, transmission channel, and receiver. Each parts plays a particular role in signal transmission, as follows: The transmitter processes the input signal to produce a suitable … Read more Basic element of Communication systems, data transmission mode, transmission media, network topologies, network types, communication protocols, network security mechanism.