Features, Amendments and Significant provisions of Indian Constitution

Amendments Amendments to the Constitution are made by the Parliament, the procedure for which is laid out in Article 368. An amendment bill must be passed by both the Houses of the Parliament by a two-thirds majority and voting. In addition to this, certain amendments which pertain to the federal nature of the Constitution must … Read more Features, Amendments and Significant provisions of Indian Constitution

Indian culture

Indian culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times. for the said topic we can use ignou material …which i am uploadingHindi medium –https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_FR6Jkv0z2cbDdqYTE4b1E3UDQ&usp=sharingEnglish medium –https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_FR6Jkv0z2ccUIxV1VTVEdiZlU&usp=sharingits very lengthy material of 400 pages but you would know its importance only after reading it as it covers complete … Read more Indian culture