National Income – Measurement and composition

National Income The study of National Income is important because of the following reasons: To see the economic development of the country. To assess the developmental objectives. To know the contribution of the various sectors to National Income. Internationally some countries are wealthy, some countries are not wealthy and some countries are in-between. Under such … Read more National Income – Measurement and composition

Poverty and Development. Poverty-line and Programmes for eradication of Poverty in India.

The World Bank defines poverty in absolute terms. The bank defines extreme poverty as living on less than US$1.90 per day> (PPP), and moderate poverty as less than $3.10 a day. Types of Poverty Absolute poverty measures poverty in relation to the amount of money necessary to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and … Read more Poverty and Development. Poverty-line and Programmes for eradication of Poverty in India.

Impact of globalization on Indian society

Globalization essentially means integration of the national economy with the world economy. It implies a free flow of information, ideas, technology, goods and services, capital and even people across different countries and societies. It increases connectivity between different markets in the form of trade, investments and cultural exchanges. The concept of globalization has been explained … Read more Impact of globalization on Indian society

Regional imbalances and income inequalitiies in India: Steps taken by the Government to reduce it.

Regional imbalances and income inequalitiies in India: Steps taken by the Government to reduce it. Regional imbalance is the disparity in economic and social development of two regions. One region/city/area is stronger than another region/city/area. Regions develop when investments are made to set up industries, service sectors, educational institutions, health care facilities etc. Income inequality is the unequal distribution of … Read more Regional imbalances and income inequalitiies in India: Steps taken by the Government to reduce it.


Public Finance Public finance is the study of the role of the government in the economy. It is the branch of economics which assesses the government revenue and government expenditure of the public authorities and the adjustment of one or the other to achieve desirable effects and avoid undesirable ones. It includes the study of … Read more PUBLIC FINANCE

Monetary Policies

Monetary policy is the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money, often targeting an inflation rate or interest rate to ensure price stability and general trust in the currency. Objectives of Monetary Policies are:-  Accelerated growth of the economy Balancing saving and investments Exchange rate stabilization Price stability Employment … Read more Monetary Policies

Indian Agriculture

  Mainstay of Indian Economy Since independence, undergone a change from being the sector contributing the highest share to the GDP to one contributing the lowest share. Agriculture is a state subject. GDP contribution (Agriculture and allied sector) 5 pc in 1950-51 7 pc in 2008-09 and 14.6 pc in 2009-10. It was 19 pc in … Read more Indian Agriculture