Mugal Empire

Introduction In the fourteenth century, the disintegration of the Mongol empire led Timur to unite Iran and Turan under one rule. Timur’s empire was spread from the lower Volga to the river Indus, including Iran, Asia Minor (modern Turkey), Trans-Oxiana, Afghanistan, and some part of Punjab. In 1404, Timur died and Shahrukh Mirza, his grandson, … Read more Mugal Empire

Political, Social, Economical and Cultural life of Delhi Sultanate.

The Delhi Sultanate basically refers to the Muslim rulers who ruled India through Delhi. This basically came into existence after Mohammed Ghori captured Delhi after defeating Prithviraj. After Prithviraj was captured, the Delhi Sultanate went into the hands of one of Ghori’s generals known as Qutub-ud-din Aibak. During the end of the 12th century, he … Read more Political, Social, Economical and Cultural life of Delhi Sultanate.

Bahmani Empire-Political Social, Eonomic, Religions and Cultural life

The Bahmani Sultanate The Bahmani kingdom came into existence in 1347AD. Alauddin Hasan, an Afghan, founded the Sultanate after revolted against the  Bin Tuglaq, sultan of Delhi. He ruled it under the title of Bahaman Shah. He was also known as Hasan Gangu, as he had risen in the servise of a Brahmin, named Gangu. … Read more Bahmani Empire-Political Social, Eonomic, Religions and Cultural life

Vijayanagar -Political Social, Eonomic, Religions and Cultural life

Vijayanagara empire and their contribution to art, literature and culture –  socio-economic conditions, administration, fall of Vijayanagar empire The Vijayanagara Empire, an important South Indian empire was founded by Harihara Raya I and his brother Bukka Raya I. The capital of the empire was Vijayanagara, present days Hampi in Karnataka. The empire ruled from 1336 … Read more Vijayanagar -Political Social, Eonomic, Religions and Cultural life

Economic Impact of British rule. Impact of Industrialization on Indian economy

India’s traditional village economy was characterised by the “blending of agriculture and handicrafts”.  But this internal balance of the village economy had been systematically slaughtered by the British Government. In the process, traditional handicraft industries slipped away, from its pre-eminence and its decline started at the turn of the 18th century and proceeded rapidly almost … Read more Economic Impact of British rule. Impact of Industrialization on Indian economy

Indian National Movement: Nationalism and Congress

ORIGIN OF NATIONALISM The rise of Nationalism is reflected in the spirit of Renaissance in Europe when freedom from religious restrictions led to the enhancement of national identity. This expression of Nationalism was furthered by the French Revolution. The political changes resulted in the passing of sovereignty from the hands of an absolute monarch to … Read more Indian National Movement: Nationalism and Congress

The Satavahanas rule

Satvahanas After the fall of the Mauryan Empire, the history of the Andhras, as a continuous account of political and cultural events, commences with the rise of the Satavahanas as a political power. According to Matsya Purana there were 29 rulers of this dynasty. They ruled over the Andhradesa including Deccan for about 400 years … Read more The Satavahanas rule

Pandyas of Madurai-Political, Social, Economic, Religious and Cultural life.

Pandyan contributions Economic contribution External trade was carried on between South India and Hellenistic kingdom of Egypt and Arabia as well as the Malay Archipelago. The author of the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea (75 A.D.) gives the most valuable information about the trade between India and the Roman Empire. He mentions the port of … Read more Pandyas of Madurai-Political, Social, Economic, Religious and Cultural life.

Yadavas of Deogiri

Yadavas of Deogiri The Yadavas initially ruled as feudatories of the Western Chalukyas. Around the middle of the 12th century, as the Chalukya power waned, the Yadava king Bhillama V declared independence. The Yadava kingdom reached its peak under Simhana II, and flourished until the early 14th century, when it was annexed by the Delhi … Read more Yadavas of Deogiri