Copper Age :- Farming Culture, Settlements, Copper hoards, Ochre Coloured Pottery

Copper Age Chalcolithic age in India is the first metal age. Metals like copper and its alloy bronze are melted at low temperature. The important sites of this period are the Indus valley sites. The Chalcolithic culture of Central, Eastern and Southern regions of India show altogether different features. The Chalcolithic culture represents the farming … Read more Copper Age :- Farming Culture, Settlements, Copper hoards, Ochre Coloured Pottery

Anti liquor movement

Uttarakhand drinking is no longer a personal issue but has become a social, economic and political evil. Ever since independence, sporadic struggles against drunkenness have broken out from time to time. From 1965 to 1971 a strong movement spread so the government had to declare prohibition in certain areas. At present, there is complete prohibition … Read more Anti liquor movement

Dola Palki Movement

Artisan Doms who could improve their economic condition claimed a higher status among Doms. They joined the Arya Samaj and became Arya, adopted janeo and got purified. Lala Lajpat Rai in 1913 visited Almora and in Sunkiyan village gave Janeo and dvij status to 600 untouchables. A temple was opened for untouchables in Almora. There … Read more Dola Palki Movement

Chipko movement

Chipko movement Chipko movement, also called Chipko andolan, nonviolent social and ecological movement by rural villagers, particularly women, in India in the 1970s, aimed at protecting trees and forests slated for government-backed logging. The movement originated in the Himalayan region of Uttar Pradesh (later Uttarakhand) in 1973 and quickly spread throughout the Indian Himalayas. The … Read more Chipko movement

Movement for separate State of Uttarakhand : Its immediate and far reaching consequences

Movement for separate State of Uttarakhand : Its immediate and far reaching consequences Uttarakhand movement is termed to the events of statehood activism within the state Uttar Pradesh which ultimately resulted in a separate state Uttarakhand of the Republic of India. Uttarakhand became a separate state off Uttar Pradesh at 9 November 2000. It is … Read more Movement for separate State of Uttarakhand : Its immediate and far reaching consequences

Advent and expansion of European powers in India :- Portuguese, Dutch, French and British

The European Trading companies in India: Struggle for supremacy The Portuguese From time immemorial India had commercial relations with countries of the west. The commercial route then was not direct by sea. The merchants sailed over the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea and reached Europe through Arabia. But in the seventh cen­tury when Arabia … Read more Advent and expansion of European powers in India :- Portuguese, Dutch, French and British

Chipko movement and Maiti Movement

Chipko movement Chipko movement, also called Chipko andolan, nonviolent social and ecological movement by rural villagers, particularly women, in India in the 1970s, aimed at protecting trees and forests slated for government-backed logging. The movement originated in the Himalayan region of Uttar Pradesh (later Uttarakhand) in 1973 and quickly spread throughout the Indian Himalayas. The … Read more Chipko movement and Maiti Movement