Metallurgy of iron

Metallurgy of iron Iron is an important constituent of hemoglobin, which is in blood. Iron is the metal used most widely in industries and hence may be called the king of metals. It is the second most abundant metal after aluminum. Iron does not occur in native state, since it is oxidized easily. Ores of Iron Chemical Name Chemical … Read more Metallurgy of iron

Metallurgy of Copper

  Metallurgy of Copper Copper Mining: The commonest ore used in the extraction of copper is Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) also known as Copper Pyrites and other such sulfides. The percentage of copper in the actual ore is too low for direct extraction of copper to be viable. The concentration of ore is required and it is done by the Froth … Read more Metallurgy of Copper

Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting

Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting Roasting It is a process wherein the ore is heated either alone or with some other material in excess of air below the fusion point of the ore. Usually, this method is used for sulphide ores. In roasting, definite chemical changes take place to form oxide or chloride of the metal. … Read more Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting

Refining of ores Metallurgy

 Refining of ores Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy is the process of obtaining metals from ores. It may be defined as the processes which are involved in the extraction of metals from their ores and then refining them for use are known as metallurgy. Steps of Metallurgy: Metals can be extracted from their ores by following processes: Enrichment of … Read more Refining of ores Metallurgy

Laboratory method of preparation acetic acid

Laboratory method of preparation acetic acid Ethanoic Acid (Acetic acid – CH COOH) Ethanoic acid is the second member of the homologous series of carboxylic acids. In other words, vinegar contains about 5 to 8% acetic acid. We will now describe two methods for the manufacture of ethanoic acid. In the first method, ethanoic acid … Read more Laboratory method of preparation acetic acid

laboratory method of preparing alcohol

Laboratory method of preparing alcohol Hydrolysis of Alkyl Halides This is a nucleophilic  substitution reaction. R-X + KOHaq → R-OH The method is not satisfactory as olefins are also formed as by-products. However better yields is obtained by using moist Ag2O or aqueous K2CO3. Tertiary butyl halides mainly gives alkene due to dehydrohalogenation. Hydration of Alkenes This … Read more laboratory method of preparing alcohol

Corossion of metals

Corrosion is defined as an attack on a material as a result of chemical, frequently electrochemical reaction, with the surrounding medium. According to this definition, the term corrosion can be applied to all materials, including non-metals. But in practice, the word corrosion is mainly used in conjunction with metallic materials. Why do metals corrode? Apart … Read more Corossion of metals


Alloy You might see the word alloy described as a “mixture of metals”, but that’s a little bit misleading because some alloys contain only one metal and it’s mixed in with other substances that are nonmetals (cast iron, for example, is an alloy made of just one metal, iron, mixed with one nonmetal, carbon). The … Read more Alloy

14-15 .01.18 Uttarakhand (UKPCS) Current Affairs

UTTARAKHAND   IMA’s state chapter recommends haryana model of clinical establishment act   The State Chapter of Indian Medical Association (IMA) has recommended Haryana model of Clinical Establishment Act in Uttarakhand.  The opposition of the private doctors of the State has made the provisions of the Clinical Establishment Act redundant in the State.  The IMA … Read more 14-15 .01.18 Uttarakhand (UKPCS) Current Affairs

13.01.18 Uttarakhand (UKPCS) Current Affairs

UTTARAKHAND     Uttarakhand madrassas to teach Sanskrit   The lower committee of Uttarakhand Madrassa Education Board (UMEB) has given its nod to a proposal seeking inclusion of Sanskrit and Computer Science as optional subjects in madrassas all over the state from the next academic session.   At present, madrassas in the state offer Maths, … Read more 13.01.18 Uttarakhand (UKPCS) Current Affairs