DMPQ- Mention the Technological aspects of agricultural biotechnology.

Genetic engineering Scientists have learned how to move genes from one organism to another. This has been called genetic modification (GM), genetic engineering (GE) or genetic improvement (GI). Regardless of the name, the process allows the transfer of useful characteristics (such as resistance to a disease) into a plant, animal or microorganism by inserting genes … Read more DMPQ- Mention the Technological aspects of agricultural biotechnology.

DMPQ-Explain the following terms: a) Inbreeding b) Out crossing c) Cross Breeding d) Interspecific Hybridisation

Inbreeding: Inbreeding refers to the mating of more closely related individuals within the same breed for 4- 6 generations. Out Crossing: This is the practice of mating of animals within the same breed, but having no common ancestors on either side of their pedigree up to 4-6 generations. Cross-breeding: In this method, superior males of … Read more DMPQ-Explain the following terms: a) Inbreeding b) Out crossing c) Cross Breeding d) Interspecific Hybridisation

DMPQ- Mention the Applications of polycarbonates.

Popular uses of polycarbonate can include aircraft parts, data storage devices, dome lights, eye protection, multiwall sheets, electronic components and more. Due to polycarbonates ability to withstand extreme temperatures for prolonged periods of time, it is often used in components for various industries, including: Aircrafts and Aerospace Components Greenhouses and Agriculture Industrial Lighting Electronic Components … Read more DMPQ- Mention the Applications of polycarbonates.

DMPQ- Discuss the role of chromosomes during cell division.

Mitosis When the chromosomes condense during cell division, they have already undergone replication. Each chromosome thus consists of two identical replicas, called chromatids, joined at a point called the centromere. During mitosis the sister chromatids separate, one going to each daughter cell. Chromosomes thus meet the first criterion for being the repository of genes: they … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the role of chromosomes during cell division.