Geography of India and World Geography

Physical Geography

Indian Geography

World Geography



FAQs on Geography of India and World Geography of Uttarakhand

Where is Uttarakhand located in India?

Uttarakhand, also known as Devbhumi (“Land of the Gods”), is located in North India. It is bordered by Tibet (China) to the north, Nepal to the east, Himachal Pradesh to the west, and Uttar Pradesh to the south.

How does Uttarakhand contribute to India’s geography?

Himalayas: Uttarakhand encompasses a significant portion of the Himalayas, including Nanda Devi, the second-highest peak in India.

  • River Sources: The state is the source of major rivers like the Ganges and Yamuna, crucial for India’s water resources.
  • Biodiversity Hotspot: Its diverse ecosystems contribute to India’s rich biodiversity, including rare flora and fauna.

 What are the major geographical features of Uttarakhand?

  • Mountains: Himalayas dominate the landscape with snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and valleys.
  • Rivers: Ganges, Yamuna, Bhagirathi, Alaknanda, Mandakini, and others flow through the state.
  • Lakes: Nainital, Bhimtal, Sattal, and others add to the scenic beauty.
  • Forests: The state has diverse forests ranging from subtropical to alpine.

How does Uttarakhand’s geography relate to the global context?

  • Himalayas: Part of the world’s youngest and highest mountain range, influencing climate and biodiversity.
  • River Systems: The Ganges and Yamuna are major rivers not just for India but also for the entire South Asian region.
  • Climate Change: The Himalayan glaciers are melting rapidly, contributing to global concerns about climate change and water scarcity.

How does Uttarakhand’s location affect its climate?

  • Altitude: Higher altitudes experience colder temperatures, while lower regions have a subtropical climate.
  • Monsoon: The state receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season (June-September).
  • Western Disturbances: These weather systems bring winter rainfall and snowfall to the region.

What are the implications of Uttarakhand’s geography for its economy?

  • Tourism: The scenic beauty and religious sites attract a large number of tourists, contributing significantly to the state’s economy.
  • Hydropower: The rivers provide immense potential for hydroelectric power generation.
  • Agriculture: The fertile valleys support agriculture, but the mountainous terrain limits large-scale farming.