
Migration has been defined as crossing of the boundary of a political or administrative unit for a certain minimum period of time. It includes the movements of refugees, displaced persons, uprooted people as well as economic migrants. Internal migration refers to a move from one area (a province, district or municipality) to another within one … Read more Migration

Agro-climatic zones of India

Agro-climatic zones of India An “Agro-climatic zone” is a land unit in terms of major climates, suitable for a certain range of crops and cultivars. With the 329 million hectares of the geographical area the country presents a large number of complex agro-climatic situations. India is divided into 15 agro-climatic zones.The 15 agro-climatic zones are: Zone … Read more Agro-climatic zones of India

Water Resources of India

Water Resources Rainfall: With an average annual rainfall of 1,170 mm, India is one of the wettest countries in the world. At one extreme are areas like Cherrapunji, in the northeast, which is drenched each year with 11,000 mm of rainfall, and at the other extreme are places like Jaisalmer, in the west, which receives … Read more Water Resources of India

Transport : Railways, Highways, Airways and Water ways and their role in regional development, etc.

Infrastructure Development- Dams, Roads, Rails (Including Airways and Ports) The availability of efficient infrastructure services is an important determinant of the pace of market development and output growth. Historically, the infrastructure sector has been one of the key drivers of growth of the Indian economy and has shown positive growth in the current reporting year … Read more Transport : Railways, Highways, Airways and Water ways and their role in regional development, etc.

Agriculture : Wheat, Rice, Millet, Tea, Coffee and Rubber

  Rice The rice is cultivated on the largest areas in India. Historians believe that while the indica variety of rice was first domesticated in the area covering the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas (i.e. north-eastern India).Rice is a nutritional staple food which provides instant energy as its most important component is carbohydrate (starch). Rice … Read more Agriculture : Wheat, Rice, Millet, Tea, Coffee and Rubber

Agricultural Revolutions

Green Revolution in India A term coined to describe the emergence and diffusion of new seeds of cereals. Norman-e-Borlaug is the Father of Green Revolution in the world, while Dr. M.S. Swami Nathan is known as the Father of Green Revolution in India. The new cereals were the product of research work and concentrated plant … Read more Agricultural Revolutions

Tribes : Habitat, Economy and Society of Gonds, Bhils,Santhals, Nagas, etc and Trends of their Transformation.

TRIBES OF INDIA Tribals constitute 8.61% of the total population of the country, numbering 104.28 million (2011 Census) and cover about 15% of the country’s area. The fact that tribal people need special attention can be observed from their low social, economic and participatory indicators. Whether it is maternal and child mortality, size of agricultural … Read more Tribes : Habitat, Economy and Society of Gonds, Bhils,Santhals, Nagas, etc and Trends of their Transformation.

World Trade : Trade and Economic Groups – World Trade Organization (WTO)


  • What is WTO? Structure? Agreeements?
  • Rounds of WTO
  • Doha Development Round
  • India’s role in WTO
  • India’s proposals to WTO
  • Trade in Goods
    • Agriculture
    • NAMA
    • Rules
    • SPS
    • TBT
  • Trade in Services
    • GATS
  • Intellectual Property (TRIPS)
  • Dispute settlement
  • Development
    • Trade and Development
    • Aid for Trade
    • Special & Differential Treatment
  • Environment
    • Trade and Environment
  • Trade facilitation
  • Other issues
    • E-Commerce
    • Competition policy
    • Investment
    • Government Procurement
    • Accession

Read moreWorld Trade : Trade and Economic Groups – World Trade Organization (WTO)