25.01.19 Uttarakhand (UKPCS) Current Affairs

UTTARAKHAND   Uttarakhand to get Electricity Training Institute   The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (UERC) has highlighted the need to set up an ‘Uttarakhand Electricity Training Institute’ (UETI) to train the officers of three power corporations on technology and regulatory changes.   The MDs of three corporations (Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited (UPCL), Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut … Read more 25.01.19 Uttarakhand (UKPCS) Current Affairs

20-21.01.19 Uttarakhand (UKPCS) Current Affairs

UTTARAKHAND   UKD opposes development body in Uttarakhand hills   Uttarakhand Kranti Dal (UKD) will oppose the government’s decision to set up development authorities for hill districts of the state.   The record of development authorities in places such as Mussoorie, Dehradun, Haridwar and Nainital has not been good. Over the years, these development bodies didn’t … Read more 20-21.01.19 Uttarakhand (UKPCS) Current Affairs