Role of regional political parties in Indian politics

Role of regional political parties in Indian politics Introduction India as a democracy has the multi-party system in place, which means there are several political parties competing for power. Apart from the primary parties, each state has their own local political parties that rule and compete in their region. Political significance The multi party system … Read more Role of regional political parties in Indian politics

Public Accountability : Executive

EXECUTIVE–ITS ACCOUNTABILITY TO PARLIAMENT RELATION OF PARLIAMENT WITH THE EXECUTIVE One of the most important questions which engaged the attention of the framers of the Constitution was the nature of the Executive and its relation with the Legislature. Dr. Ambedkar observed in introducing the Constitution:   The decision of the Constituent Assembly on the form … Read more Public Accountability : Executive

Public Accountability : Parliamentary

LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL CONTROL OVER ADMINISTRATION The need for effective control over administration is, thus, obvious. Public opinion, professional standards and ethics, and the nature of the society-all influence administration in varying ways and capacities and exercise control over it. A study of this problem may, however, be made here under the following major … Read more Public Accountability : Parliamentary

Administrative System : Structure of the State Government ; Ministries and Departments

Constitutional guarantees and provisions, Union and State laws as well as policies and programmes for economic and social development are relevant to the daily lives of the people only to the extent they are implemented honestly and efficiently. The Constitution of India gives a special role and responsibility to the State Governments for preserving public … Read more Administrative System : Structure of the State Government ; Ministries and Departments

Panchayati Raj and Urban Administration in Uttarakhand.

Uttarakhand State has 3-tier PRI’s structure and comprises of 13 ZP, 95 BP and 7541 GP. Its legal basis is set out on the basis of the Uttar Pradesh Kshetra Panchayat and Zila Panchayat Act of 1961 and the Uttar Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act of 1947, as modified by the Uttarakhand Government under by the … Read more Panchayati Raj and Urban Administration in Uttarakhand.

Social Welfare schemes of Uttarakhand

Dependent widow (pension) maintenance grant : – Under this scheme, such widows whose age is 18 years to 60 years and whose monthly income is below Rs.1000 / – and neither son / grandson is more than 20 years old. There is provision of grant of Rs 800 / – per month for grant of maintenance and … Read more Social Welfare schemes of Uttarakhand

State Public Service Commission

The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission was Constituted under the provisions of the Article 315 of the Constitution of India by the Governor of Uttarakhand vide Notification No. 247/1 Karmik 2001 dated 14 th March, 2001(Annexure1). The Commission came into existence on 15 May, 2001. At present the strength of the Commission is the Chairman & … Read more State Public Service Commission

Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies.

Lokayukta investigates cases of corruption, where substantiated, recommend action. He is a great check on corruption, brings about transparency in the system, makes administrative machinery citizen friendly. His functions largely depend upon jurisdiction vested in him and facilities provided for taking cognizance of citizens’ grievances promptly, dexterously and expeditiously through simple, informal mechanism devoid of … Read more Lok Ayukta and State Vigilance agencies.

Parties and Pressure groups of Uttarakhand

Political Parties and Elections Political parties are an established part of modern mass democracy, and the conduct of elections in India is largely dependent on the behaviour of political parties. Although many candidates for Indian elections are independent, the winning candidates for Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections usually stand as members of political parties, … Read more Parties and Pressure groups of Uttarakhand