UKPSC Mains Paper VI: General Science and Technology

GK PDF Notes for UKPCS Mains General Science and Technology

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Paper IV is highly scoring paper in UKPCS Mains. Science and Technology Notes for UKPCS Mains are designed by UKPSC Toppers and other civil servants. Detail Notes can be browsed at the following links.

Disaster Management

Disaster Management: Definition, nature, types and classification of disasters, Natural Hazards; Causative factors and mitigation measures; Disaster Management Act(2005), National Disaster Management Authorities(NDMA); Uttarakhand Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority; earthquake, flood, cloudburst, cyclone, tsunami, landslides, drought, etc; Factors affecting mitigation measures; Disasters in the Uttarakhand Himalayan region and other Himalayan States. Need of Eco- Sensitive Zones (ESZ’s)in Uttarakhand. Man made calamities- chemical and nuclear hazards etc. Case studies of various natural and man made hazards at international, national and uttarakhand state level and their impact. NDRF (National Disaster Response Force) and SDRF (State Disaster Response Force). General awareness on current events of State, National and International level.

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