Paper V : Economic and Social Development

Main Examination

Economic and social Development
Meaning of Economic and Social Development. Human Development Index (HDI)and Human Poverty Index (HPI).
Characteristics of Indian Economy : Before and After Independence.
Census of India : Economic and Social features.
Population growth and economic development. Issues related to Role of women in Economic and Social Development in India.
Impact of globalization on Indian society

Poverty and Development. Poverty-line and Programmes for eradication of Poverty in India.
Schemes for Rural and Social Development – Welfare and Developmental Programmes including Self Help Groups (SHGs), MNREGA and community power structure.
Sustainable development and Inclusive growth.
National Income – Measurement and composition.
Regional imbalances and income inequalities in India : Steps taken by the Government to reduce it.
Indian Agriculture and Industry
Role of agriculture in Indian economic development-interrelationship between agriculture, industry and service sectors.
Problems of Agriculture : Land Reform, Soil fertility, Credit Supply- Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD),
National Farm Subsidies and Minimum Support prices etc.
Public distribution system : Objectives, functioning and Issue of Food Security.
Industrial Growth and Structure – Public, Private and Joint Sectors,
Industrial sickness. Importance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), PPP Model of Economic Development.
Role of foreign capital and Multi National Corporations (MNCs) in industrial development.
New Economic Policy (NEP) – Its Impact on Agriculture, Industry and Foreign Trade.
Planning and Foreign Trade
Indian planning since 1951: Objective and Achievements.
Market driven and planned economy : A Comparative view.
India’s Foreign Trade – Volume, Composition and Direction.
Exports Promotion and Imports Substitution.
Balance of payments and Devaluation.
World Trade Organization (WTO), Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), and Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMs),World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Public Finance and Monetary System
Sources of Income of State and Central Government.
Effects of Taxation,Direct and Indirect Taxes, Public Expenditure and Public Debt. Internal and External Debt. 
Budgetary deficit – Revenue, Primary and Fiscal. Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act. Fiscal Policy. Subscribe on YouTube

/> Center State Financial Relations and latest Finance Commission.
Monetary Management – Monetary Policy, Credit creation and Credit Control.
Indian Monetary System – Role of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Commercial Banks in Indian Economy.

Economy of Uttarakhand
Main Features of Economy of the State.
Natural Resources – Water, Forests, Minerals etc.
Infrastructure – Physical: Transport, Roads, Railways, Airports.
Infrastructure-Institutional : Banks, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Education, Energy, Communication, Health etc.
Economic Profile of the State: State Domestic Products and their components, Per Capita income. Main sources of Income – Agriculture, Forest Products, Hydel Projects, Tourism etc.
Industrial Development: Problems and Prospects, Large, Medium, Small and Cottage Industries.
Economic Planning – Challenges of Planning in the State, State Planning Commission.
Major Economic Problems of the State : Natural

Disasters, Migration,
Environmental Degration, Development of Transport and Communication and it Facilities etc .
Welfare Programmes : Women’s Empowerment, MNREGA,


FAQs on Paper V : Economic and Social Development of Uttarakhand

What are the main topics covered in this paper?

The paper covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Economic Development: Economic history, planning, and policies of Uttarakhand.
  • Agriculture and Allied Sectors: Agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, forestry, and fisheries in Uttarakhand.
  • Industry and Infrastructure: Industrial development, tourism, infrastructure development (transport, communication, energy, etc.) in Uttarakhand.
  • Human Resource Development: Education, health, skill development, and employment in Uttarakhand.
  • Social Development: Demographic trends, social welfare programs, women empowerment, and issues related to vulnerable groups in Uttarakhand.
  • Sustainable Development: Environmental conservation, disaster management, and sustainable development initiatives in Uttarakhand.

Is there a specific focus on Uttarakhand in this paper?

Yes, the paper specifically focuses on the economic and social development aspects of Uttarakhand. While it may touch upon national policies and initiatives, the emphasis is on their implementation and impact in Uttarakhand.

What types of questions can I expect?

You can expect a mix of:

  • Conceptual questions: Testing your understanding of basic concepts in economics and social development.
  • Analytical questions: Requiring you to analyze data and trends related to Uttarakhand’s economy and society.
  • Policy-based questions: Assessing your knowledge of government policies and programs for economic and social development in Uttarakhand.
  • Current affairs questions: Testing your awareness of recent developments in the state’s economy and society.

Are current affairs important for this paper?

Yes, staying updated on current affairs related to Uttarakhand’s economy, social issues, and government policies is crucial for this paper.

What are some recommended resources for preparing for this paper?

  • Standard textbooks: On Indian economy and social development.
  • Books and reports: Specifically focusing on Uttarakhand’s economy and society.
  • Newspapers and magazines: For current affairs updates.
  • Government websites: For official data and policy documents.
  • Previous year question papers: To understand the pattern and difficulty level of the exam.

How much time should I allocate for preparing for this paper?

The time required will vary depending on your existing knowledge and understanding of the topics. However, it’s recommended to start preparing well in advance and allocate sufficient time for revision.

Are there any specific tips for tackling this paper?

  • Understand the syllabus thoroughly: This will help you focus your preparation.
  • Make concise notes: Summarize important points for quick revision.
  • Analyze data and trends: Practice interpreting data related to Uttarakhand’s economy and society.
  • Stay updated on current affairs: Regularly read newspapers and magazines to stay informed.
  • Practice answer writing: This will help you improve your speed and accuracy.


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