- Drainage system
- Rectangular intersecting roads
- Sanitary system
UKPCS Prelims and Mains Notes-UKPSC Test Series
Probable questions:
Public Economics
Study of economic efficiency, distribution and government economic policy.
Developed out of the original political economy of JS Mill and David Ricardo. It is a very
important branch of economics because of the foundation it provides for practical policy analysis.
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) of the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation announced that the new series of Consumer Price Index(CPI) numbers for Rural, Urban and Combined (Rural +Urban) on base 2010 ( January to December)=100 taking all segments of rural and urban population for the month of January, 2011 will be released by the Central Statistics Office for the States/UTs and all- India on 18th February, 2011.These indices will be available for five major groups namely Food, beverages and
tobacco; Fuel and light; Housing; Clothing, bedding and footwear, and Miscellaneous.Importance of micro, small and medium enterprises