DMPQ- What are the main functions of National Highway authority of India?

To develop, maintain and manage National Highways vested in it by the Central Government. To regulate and control the plying of vehicles on National Highways for its proper management. To develop and provide consultancy and construction services in India and abroad, and carry out research activities in relation to the development, maintenance and management of … Read more DMPQ- What are the main functions of National Highway authority of India?

DMPQ- What are the factors which control the salinity of the oceans?

Factors poignant ocean salinity are : The salinity of water within the surface layer of oceans rely in the main on evaporation and precipitation. Wind, additionally influences salinity of a district by transferring water to different areas. The ocean currents contribute to the salinity variations. Salinity, temperature and density of water are interconnected. Hence, any … Read more DMPQ- What are the factors which control the salinity of the oceans?

DMPQ:Project 75(I)

The Project 75I-class submarine is a follow-on of the Project 75 Kalvari-class submarine for the Indian navy. Under this project, the Indian Navy intends to acquire 6 diesel-electric submarines, which will also feature advanced Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) systems to enable them to stay submerged for longer duration and substantially increase their operational range.   … Read more DMPQ:Project 75(I)

DMPQ:Q5. Discuss following term: A) ISHAN VIKAS B) ISHAN UDAY

Ishan Vikas is coordinated by IIT, Guwahati and under the programme, selected school children from North Eastern States are brought in close contact with the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) and National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) during the vacation period to motivate them to pursue science, … Read more DMPQ:Q5. Discuss following term: A) ISHAN VIKAS B) ISHAN UDAY

DMPQ- Differentiate the following terms: a) Hurricanes b) Cyclones c) Typhoons d) Tornadoes

Hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons are all the same weather phenomenon; we just use different names for these storms in different places. In the Atlantic and Northeast Pacific, the term “hurricane” is used. The same type of disturbance in the Northwest Pacific is called a “typhoon” and “cyclones” occur in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean. … Read more DMPQ- Differentiate the following terms: a) Hurricanes b) Cyclones c) Typhoons d) Tornadoes


Fisheries: ‘Fisheries’ sector is becoming a subsector of Primary sector with consistently increasing contribution to the state economy. The state government envisages development in fisheries sector with a multi pronged strategy with essential focus on increasing fish production and thereby ensure sustainable development. Development of fisheries through effective value chain and boosting exports, government is … Read more Fisheries

National Educational Research and Training Council

National Educational Research and Training Council The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India which was established on 1 September 1961 as a literary, scientific and charitable Society under the Societies’ Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860). Its headquarters are located at Sri Aurbindo Marg … Read more National Educational Research and Training Council

DMPQ:What are the concerns in India-Australia bilateral relations?

Dichotomous Australian Foreign Policy- Historically, a key problem with Australia’s bilateral relationships has been the misalignment of Australia’s economic and political-security interests. While Australia is reliant on the US for its defence and security through the Australia-New Zealand-US treaty, its economy depends on China, which accounts for a huge share in bilateral trade and investment. Challenges … Read more DMPQ:What are the concerns in India-Australia bilateral relations?

DMPQ: is Rohingya issue? How it is affecting India? (IR)

Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, neighbouring Bangladesh, are not recognised by the Myanmar government as an official ethnic group and are therefore denied citizenship. Rohingyas are the most persecuted community in the world. Brutal atrocities are unleashed on them and they are denied of any human rights and citizenship rights. As a result of this, the … Read more DMPQ: is Rohingya issue? How it is affecting India? (IR)