C (diamond), Si, and Ge have the same lattice structure, but why is C an insulator while Si and Ge are intrinsic semiconductors? Explain.

Points to Remember: Diamond’s wide band gap vs. the narrower band gaps of silicon and germanium. The role of electron excitation and conductivity. Influence of atomic size and bonding strength. Introduction: Carbon (C), silicon (Si), and germanium (Ge) all share the same diamond cubic crystal lattice structure. This means their atoms are arranged in a … Read more C (diamond), Si, and Ge have the same lattice structure, but why is C an insulator while Si and Ge are intrinsic semiconductors? Explain.

(ii) Drug, medicine, and chemotherapy.

Points to Remember: Distinctions between drugs, medicines, and chemotherapeutic agents. Therapeutic uses and potential side effects. Regulatory frameworks governing their use. Ethical considerations surrounding their development and application. Introduction: The terms “drug,” “medicine,” and “chemotherapy” are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion. While related, they represent distinct concepts within the broader field of pharmacology and … Read more (ii) Drug, medicine, and chemotherapy.

What is gene therapy, and how does it differ from supportive therapy?

Points to Remember: Gene therapy aims to correct faulty genes, while supportive therapy manages symptoms. Gene therapy is a relatively new and evolving field with potential risks and limitations. Supportive therapy is established and widely used, focusing on improving quality of life. Both approaches can be used concurrently for optimal patient care. Introduction: Gene therapy … Read more What is gene therapy, and how does it differ from supportive therapy?

What are chromosomes? Describe the types of chromosomes based on the number and position of centromeres.

Points to Remember: Chromosomes are thread-like structures found in the nucleus of cells. They carry genetic information in the form of genes. Chromosomes are classified based on the position of their centromere. Introduction: Chromosomes are fundamental structures within the cells of all living organisms. These thread-like structures are composed of DNA tightly coiled around proteins … Read more What are chromosomes? Describe the types of chromosomes based on the number and position of centromeres.

What is the major difference between natural hazards and natural disasters?

Points to Remember: Natural hazards are naturally occurring events that have the potential to cause harm. Natural disasters are natural hazards that have actually caused significant harm to human life or property. The distinction lies in the impact – potential versus realized harm. Vulnerability and exposure of human populations are key factors in transforming a … Read more What is the major difference between natural hazards and natural disasters?

What are the challenges to internal security through communication networks?

Points to Remember: Vulnerability of communication networks to exploitation by malicious actors. Difficulties in monitoring and regulating online content and activities. Threats posed by misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech. Challenges in maintaining cybersecurity and data privacy. Need for international cooperation to address transnational cybercrime. Introduction: Internal security, encompassing the protection of a nation’s citizens and … Read more What are the challenges to internal security through communication networks?

Describe the following:

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(i) Benedict’s test for the detection of reducing sugars.

Points to Remember: Benedict’s test is a chemical test used to detect the presence of reducing sugars. Reducing sugars possess a free aldehyde or ketone group capable of reducing cupric ions. The test involves a color change indicating the concentration of reducing sugars. The test is widely used in various fields, including food science and … Read more (i) Benedict’s test for the detection of reducing sugars.

Differentiate between a National Park and a Sanctuary.

Points to Remember: Key differences lie in the level of human intervention allowed and the primary purpose of establishment. National Parks prioritize conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity with minimal human interference. Sanctuaries allow for a greater degree of human interaction and resource utilization, while still protecting wildlife. Both are crucial for biodiversity conservation but … Read more Differentiate between a National Park and a Sanctuary.

Give a brief account of the Indian Remote Sensing System.

Points to Remember: IRS’s evolution and objectives. Key satellites and their applications. Data acquisition and dissemination. Contributions to various sectors. Challenges and future prospects. Introduction: The Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) system is a comprehensive space-based Earth observation program initiated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It aims to provide timely and reliable remote sensing … Read more Give a brief account of the Indian Remote Sensing System.