What is ‘Brexit’?

Points to Remember: Brexit’s origins in the UK’s relationship with the EU. The referendum and its outcome. The negotiation and implementation phases. Economic, political, and social impacts. Future implications and ongoing debates. Introduction: Brexit, a portmanteau of “British exit,” refers to the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union (EU). This momentous event, culminating in … Read more What is ‘Brexit’?

Write a short note on Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Paryatan Swarojgar Yojana in Uttarakhand.

Points to Remember: Objective: To promote tourism and self-employment in Uttarakhand. Target Beneficiaries: Unemployed youth and individuals from Uttarakhand seeking self-employment opportunities in the tourism sector. Key Features: Financial assistance, skill development, and marketing support. Implementation: Through designated government agencies and banks. Introduction: The Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Paryatan Swarojgar Yojana (VCSGPSY) is a government … Read more Write a short note on Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Paryatan Swarojgar Yojana in Uttarakhand.

What do you understand by ‘Panchsheel’?

Points to Remember: Panchsheel’s origins in the context of India’s foreign policy. The five principles of Panchsheel. Applications and limitations of Panchsheel in international relations. Panchsheel’s relevance in the contemporary world. Introduction: Panchsheel, meaning “five principles” in Sanskrit, refers to a set of five principles governing peaceful coexistence and cooperation between nations. These principles were … Read more What do you understand by ‘Panchsheel’?

What are the objectives of the United Nations Organisation?

Points to Remember: Maintaining international peace and security. Developing friendly relations among nations. Achieving international cooperation in solving international problems. Being a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. Introduction: The United Nations (UN), established in 1945 after World War II, is an intergovernmental organization aiming to prevent future conflicts and foster global cooperation. Its … Read more What are the objectives of the United Nations Organisation?

Who are Madhesis?

Points to Remember: Madhesis are an indigenous group primarily inhabiting the Terai region of Nepal. Their identity is rooted in their geographical location and distinct cultural practices. They have a history of marginalization and struggle for political representation and rights. The Madheshi movement is a significant aspect of Nepal’s political landscape. Introduction: The term “Madhesi” … Read more Who are Madhesis?

What is H-1B Visa?

Points to Remember: Definition and purpose of the H-1B visa. Eligibility criteria for applicants and employers. The process of applying for an H-1B visa. Benefits and drawbacks of the H-1B visa program. Current debates and reforms surrounding the H-1B visa. Introduction: The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa in the United States that allows U.S. … Read more What is H-1B Visa?

Who appoints the Advocate General of a State? Can he take part in the proceedings of the State Legislative Assembly?

Points to Remember: Appointment of Advocate General Advocate General’s role in State Legislative Assembly Introduction: The Advocate General (AG) holds a crucial position in a state’s legal framework. They are the principal legal advisor to the state government, offering counsel on legal matters and representing the state in courts. The appointment process and their participation … Read more Who appoints the Advocate General of a State? Can he take part in the proceedings of the State Legislative Assembly?

In which year was the National Development Council of India established and what is its composition?

Points to Remember: Establishment year of the National Development Council (NDC). Composition of the NDC, including its key members and their roles. Introduction: The National Development Council (NDC) is a premier Indian governmental body that plays a crucial role in formulating and monitoring India’s national development plans. Established in the post-independence era, it serves as … Read more In which year was the National Development Council of India established and what is its composition?

What is ‘NOTA’?

Points to Remember: NOTA’s meaning and legal basis in India. The impact of NOTA on elections. Arguments for and against NOTA. Potential improvements and future considerations regarding NOTA. Introduction: NOTA, which stands for “None Of The Above,” is an option provided to voters in several countries, including India, allowing them to indicate their disapproval of … Read more What is ‘NOTA’?

What do you understand by the Contingency Fund of India? Explain.

Points to Remember: The Contingency Fund of India is a reserve fund used for unforeseen expenses. It’s managed by the President of India. Parliamentary approval is required for utilization. It’s distinct from other funds like the Consolidated Fund. It plays a crucial role in handling unexpected financial emergencies. Introduction: The Contingency Fund of India is … Read more What do you understand by the Contingency Fund of India? Explain.