What is Conduct?

Points to Remember: Conduct encompasses actions, behaviors, and demeanor. It’s judged against societal norms, ethical principles, and legal frameworks. Conduct can be professional, personal, or public. Consequences of misconduct vary widely depending on context. Introduction: The term “conduct” refers to a person’s behavior or actions, particularly in relation to a specific context or set of … Read more What is Conduct?

Why is Ethics related to rational human life only? Discuss briefly.

Points to Remember: Ethics is concerned with moral principles governing human conduct. Rationality is crucial for understanding and applying ethical principles. Non-rational beings lack the capacity for moral deliberation and responsibility. The connection between ethics and rationality is not absolute; emotions and intuition play a role. Introduction: Ethics, the branch of philosophy dealing with moral … Read more Why is Ethics related to rational human life only? Discuss briefly.

Elucidate the kinds of ‘values’.

Points to Remember: Different classifications of values exist, depending on the philosophical framework. Values are deeply personal yet influenced by societal norms. Understanding values is crucial for ethical decision-making and societal harmony. Introduction: The term “values” refers to deeply held beliefs about what is good, desirable, or important. These beliefs guide our choices, actions, and … Read more Elucidate the kinds of ‘values’.

What is the contribution of Emmanuel Kant in the field of Ethics?

Points to Remember: Kant’s Categorical Imperative Deontology vs. Consequentialism Good Will and Duty Kingdom of Ends Influence on subsequent ethical thought Introduction: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a towering figure in 18th-century German philosophy, profoundly impacting metaphysics, epistemology, and, most significantly for this discussion, ethics. Unlike ethical theories that focus on consequences (consequentialism) or character (virtue … Read more What is the contribution of Emmanuel Kant in the field of Ethics?

What do you understand by work-culture?

Points to Remember: Work culture encompasses shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and norms within an organization. It influences employee morale, productivity, and overall organizational success. A positive work culture fosters innovation, collaboration, and employee well-being. A negative work culture can lead to high turnover, decreased productivity, and legal issues. Building a positive work culture requires conscious … Read more What do you understand by work-culture?

What are the important values required in public service?

Points to Remember: Integrity Impartiality Accountability Transparency Efficiency Responsiveness Commitment to Public Service Professionalism Introduction: Public service is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy. It involves individuals working in government and related organizations to serve the public interest. The effectiveness and legitimacy of public service hinge critically on the values upheld by its practitioners. These … Read more What are the important values required in public service?

Pointing towards a person, a woman said, ‘His wife is the only daughter of my father.’ What is the relation of that person with the woman?

Points to Remember: This is a logic puzzle requiring deductive reasoning. Focus on identifying family relationships based on the statement. The solution involves understanding the relationships between “father,” “daughter,” and “wife.” Introduction: This question is a classic word puzzle that tests one’s ability to decipher family relationships based on a given statement. It requires careful … Read more Pointing towards a person, a woman said, ‘His wife is the only daughter of my father.’ What is the relation of that person with the woman?

If the geometric mean of two positive numbers is 12 and their harmonic mean is 11/13, then what are the numbers?

Points to Remember: Geometric Mean (GM): The nth root of the product of n numbers. Harmonic Mean (HM): The reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the numbers. Relationship between GM and HM: For positive numbers, GM ≥ HM. Introduction: This question requires a factual and analytical approach to solve a mathematical problem. … Read more If the geometric mean of two positive numbers is 12 and their harmonic mean is 11/13, then what are the numbers?

Ethics is a Normative Study of Conduct or Positive Study? Discuss.

Points to Remember: Ethics is concerned with moral principles and values. Normative ethics deals with what ought to be, while positive ethics studies what is. The debate centers on whether ethics describes moral behavior or prescribes it. Both normative and positive approaches are valuable for understanding ethics. Introduction: The question of whether ethics is a … Read more Ethics is a Normative Study of Conduct or Positive Study? Discuss.

A’s salary is 40% more than B’s salary. By what percentage (%) is B’s salary less than A’s salary?

Points to Remember: This is a mathematical percentage problem. We need to calculate the percentage difference between A’s and B’s salaries. The approach is purely factual and analytical, requiring mathematical calculations. Introduction: This question involves a comparison of salaries between two individuals, A and B. We are given that A’s salary is 40% more than … Read more A’s salary is 40% more than B’s salary. By what percentage (%) is B’s salary less than A’s salary?