Industrial Development of Uttarakhand

Industrial development of uttarakhand Uttarakhand is one of the fastest growing states in India, thanks to the massive growth in capital investments arising from conducive industrial policy and generous tax benefits. The state is situated in the foothills of Himalayas. The presence of several hill stations, wildlife parks, pilgrimage places and trekking routes make Uttarakhand … Read more Industrial Development of Uttarakhand

Role of agriculture in Indian economic development-interrelationship between agriculture, industry and service sectors

Role of agriculture in Indian economic development-interrelationship between agriculture, industry and service sectors Role of agriculture in Indian economic development Contribution to National Income From the very beginning, agriculture is contributing a major portion to our national income. In 1950-51, agriculture and allied activities contributed about 59 per cent of the total national income. Although … Read more Role of agriculture in Indian economic development-interrelationship between agriculture, industry and service sectors

Exports Promotion and Imports Substitution

Export Promotion Government of India has liberalized the schemes for export oriented units and export processing Zones. Agriculture, Horticulture, poultry, fisheries and dairies have been included in the export oriented units. Export processing zones have been allowed to export through trading and star trading houses and can have equipment on lease. These units have been … Read more Exports Promotion and Imports Substitution

Industrial sickness

Industrial sickness One of the adverse trends observable in the corporate private sector of India is the growing incidence of sickness. It is causing considerable concern to planners and policymakers. It is also putting a severe strain on the economic system, particularly on the banks. There are various crite­ria of sickness. According to the criteria … Read more Industrial sickness

New Economic Policy (NEP) – Its Impact on Agriculture, Industry and Foreign Trade.

IMPACT OF NEW ECONOMIC POLICY India’s post-independence development strategy showed all the signs of stagnation, but the economy started showing the sign of recovery in the early nineties when the government adopted the new economic model known as Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) to meet a grave economic crisis; characterized by unprecedented adverse balance of … Read more New Economic Policy (NEP) – Its Impact on Agriculture, Industry and Foreign Trade.

Population growth and economic development

Population growth and economic development The effect of population growth on a society’s per capita output level depends on the pattern of population growth as also its institutional (organ­isational) framework. In other words, it depends on the age composition of the population. The pattern of spending reflects the age distribution. An ageing population—one that contains … Read more Population growth and economic development

India’s Foreign Trade – Volume, Composition and Direction

INTRODUCTION Among several features of globalization, one relates to increasing interactions among nations and removal of barriers to facilitate movement of goods, capital, labour and technology. It is a process that renders various activities and aspiration worldwide in scope or application. As a part of this process of increasing integration of the world, many countries … Read more India’s Foreign Trade – Volume, Composition and Direction

PPP Model of Economic Development

Public-Private Sector Partnership (PPP) Public-private partnerships between a government agency and private-sector company can be used to finance, build and operate projects, such as public transportation networks, parks and convention centers. Financing a project through a public-private partnership can allow a project to be completed sooner or make it a possibility in the first place. … Read more PPP Model of Economic Development

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