Principles & Basis of Indian Foreign Policy    

India’s foreign policy is fundamentally based on the principles of peaceful co-existence, friendship and co-operation among all the countries of the world irrespective of their political systems. The foreign policy is aimed at promoting international peace and security and maintaining good and friendly relations with all the countries of the world. India, which was a … Read more Principles & Basis of Indian Foreign Policy    

India’s Cultural diplomacy and Indian Diaspora  

Cultural diplomacy is a specified form of diplomacy that encourages a deliberate effort of cultural exchange. It facilitates the understanding of foreign cultural dynamics. Itis exchange of ideas, information, art, lifestyles, value systems, traditions, beliefs another aspects of cultures. The Indian Diaspora is a generic term to describe the people who migrated from territories that … Read more India’s Cultural diplomacy and Indian Diaspora  

International and Regional Organisations

  International Organizations   An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. There Join Our Telegram Channel are two main types: International nongovernmental organizations(INGOs): non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate internationally. These include international non-profit organizations and worldwide companies such as the World Organization of the Scout Movement, International Committee of the Red Cross. Intergovernmental organizations, also known as international governmental organizations (IGOs): … Read more International and Regional Organisations

United Nations and its specialized agencies

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization established on 24 October 1945 to promote international cooperation. It was founded to replace the League of Nations following World War II and to prevent another conflict. When it was founded, the UN had 51 Member States; there are now 193. Most nations are members of the UN and send diplomats to the headquarters to hold meetings … Read more United Nations and its specialized agencies

India and Its Neighbors

India has a long land frontier and coastline. It shares boundaries with Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma) and Sri Lanka. India has official political relations with most nations. India is considered as the world’s second most populous and democratic country. Foreign policy of India has always regarded the concept of neighbourhood as one … Read more India and Its Neighbors

Impact of globalization on Indian society

Globalization essentially means integration of the national economy with the world economy. It implies a free flow of information, ideas, technology, goods and services, capital and even people across different countries and societies. It increases connectivity between different markets in the form of trade, investments and cultural exchanges. The concept of globalization has been explained … Read more Impact of globalization on Indian society

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