Pala Dynasty

   Pala Dynasty   Pala Dynasty ruled Bengal and Bihar for about four centuries from the middle of the 8th century AD. Founded by Gopala, rule of the dynasty underwent various vicissitudes and lasted for eighteen generations of kings. Prior to the establishment of the Pala Empire, the area of Bengal was experiencing … Read more Pala Dynasty

Fascist Ideology And Its Global Implications

  Fascist Ideology and its global implications Fascism is an effective political ideology whose central theme is the notion of an organically combined national community, exemplified in a belief in ‘strength through unity’. The individual, in a factual sense, is nothing; individual identity must be completely absorbed into the community or social group. To … Read more Fascist Ideology And Its Global Implications

Formation Of Linguistic States

 Formation of Linguistic States:–  India is a land of many languages, each with its distinct script, grammar, vocabulary and literary tradition. In 1917, the Congress Party had committed itself to the creation of linguistic provinces in a Free India. After Congress’s Nagpur Session in 1920, the principle was extended and formalized with the … Read more Formation Of Linguistic States


 Khalji dynasty : Jalaluddin Khalji, Alauddin Khalji-Expansion of Sultanate, Administration, reforms, Military reforms, Economic Reforms.     KHILJI DYNASITY   After the decline of the Slave dynasty, the Sultanate became even more fragile and instable due to the numerous revolts and internal aggression. The Khilji dynasty started with the crowning of Jalaluddin Khilji … Read more Khilji

Cathedral Architecture

 Cathedral architecture The history of cathedral architecture begins around the year 312 CE. When the Byzantine emperor, Constantine I, publicly converted to Christianity and legitimized Christianity as a formal religion, the Christian church as we know it was formally organized. Although there were impressive buildings long before, calling these structures cathedrals would be … Read more Cathedral Architecture

Hindu Sects

 Hindu sects: Hinduism as a federation of various sects – Shaiva, Vaishnava and Shakta Hinduism is a complex religion. It is an artificial collection of several traditions that originated in India in the last few millenniums. Since, the Muslim and British rulers and scholars alike were ignorant of the native traditions, they grouped … Read more Hindu Sects

Deewans Of Mysore

 Progress of Mysore under the Dewans   The post of the Dewan was created as the head of the administrative machinery. The Wodeyars of Mysore were fortunate enough to have wise and able men as Dewans. These Dewans worked hard to make the state progressive progressive and model.         Dewans … Read more Deewans Of Mysore

Later Vedic Period

 Later Vedic Period The period that followed Rig Vedic Age is known as Later Vedic Age.  This age witnessed the composition of three later Veda Samhitas namely, the Samveda Samhita, the Yajurveda Samhita, the Atharvaveda Samhita as well as Brahmanas and the Upanishads of all the four Vedas and later on the two … Read more Later Vedic Period

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