DMPQ- How can Direct Port Entry Facility enable Ease of Doing Bussiness?

Direct Port Entry Facility is the noteworthy step towards reducing the logistics cost and to increase the velocity of cargo for boosting ease of doing business and economy growth. DPE will help in increasing Ease of Doing Business for the exporters, as the facility will bring efficiency and reduce dwell time, lower tariff cost and … Read more DMPQ- How can Direct Port Entry Facility enable Ease of Doing Bussiness?

DMPQ- Woods dispatch is known as Magna carta of English education in India.

The Despatch is a very important educational document and holds a unique place in the history of Indian education. It placed the responsibility of education of the Indian people fully on the company and stated quite explicitly that it must never be neglected. The Despatch gave new direction to education in India and in a … Read more DMPQ- Woods dispatch is known as Magna carta of English education in India.


Ministry of Human Resource Development has announced a new PPP Scheme, National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT) for using technology for better learning outcomes in Higher Education. The objective is to use Artificial Intelligence to make learning more personalised and customised as per the requirements of the learner. This requires development of technologies in Adaptive … Read more DMPQ- NEAT

DMPQ- Mission shakti

On March 27, DRDO conducted Mission Shakti, an anti-satellite missile test, from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Island launch complex. One of India’s existing satellites operating in lower orbit used in the mission. The test was successful on all parameters. India has made it clear that its space capabilities aren’t directed against anyone and the government … Read more DMPQ- Mission shakti

DMPQ- Write a short note on : • Nasik conspiracy case • Alipore conspiracy case

Nasik conspiracy case:   On 21st of December, 1909 , A M T (Arthur Mason Tippets) Jackson the magistrate at Nasik was enjoying a theatre where a drama was staged in his honour on the evening of his transfer. A young man of Abhinav Bharat Society named Ananat Laxman Kanhere shot this indologist and “pandit” … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on : • Nasik conspiracy case • Alipore conspiracy case


District Development and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) is being formed with a view to fulfill the objective of ensuring better coordination among all the elected representatives in Parliament, State Legislatures and Local Governments (Panchayati Raj Institutions/Municipal Bodies) for efficient and time-bound development of districts in our country. DISHA is an effort to improve development coordination and … Read more DMPQ- DISHA

DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Gravitational Lensing?

Gravitational Lensing is a natural phenomenon that magnifies light around galaxies.  The phenomenon occurs when a huge amount of matter, such as a massive galaxy or cluster of galaxies, creates a gravitational field that distorts and magnifies the light from objects behind it, but in the same line of sight. This makes dim, faraway objects … Read more DMPQ-What do you understand by the term Gravitational Lensing?

DMPQ- What are the main components of good governance?

The three defining indicators that have emerged as main components of good governance, effectively reinforcing democratic principle 1. Transparency and Accessibility: Transparency is described as the “characteristic of governments, companies, organisations and individuals of being open in the clear disclosure of information rules, plans, processes and actions”. 2. Accountability and Timelines: Administrative transparency is a … Read more DMPQ- What are the main components of good governance?