DMPQ-. Elaborate the Legislative powers and functions of India’s Parliament.

The primary function of Parliament is to make laws for the governance of the country. It has exclusive power to make laws on the subjects enumerated in the Union List (which at present has 100 subjects, originally 97 subjects) and on the residuary subjects (that is, subjects not enumerated in any of the three lists). … Read more DMPQ-. Elaborate the Legislative powers and functions of India’s Parliament.

DMPQ-What is Ayushman Bharatyojna ? Discuss how it can change India’s health sector.

. Ayushman Bharat is a National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM) a new centrally sponsored scheme was launched in 2018. This comes under Ayushman Bharat Mission anchored in the MoHFW. The Scheme has the benefit cover of ₹ 5 lakh per family per year. The target beneficiaries are to be more than 10 crore families belonging … Read more DMPQ-What is Ayushman Bharatyojna ? Discuss how it can change India’s health sector.

DMPQ-What is natural vegetation? Under what climatic conditions are tropical evergreen forests develop?

. Natural vegetation refers to a plant community that has been left undisturbed over a long time, so as to allow its individual species to adjust themselves to climate and soil conditions as fully as possible. Tropical evergreen forests  are found in the western slope of the Western Ghats, hills of the northeastern region and … Read more DMPQ-What is natural vegetation? Under what climatic conditions are tropical evergreen forests develop?

DMPQ-. Explain the procedure of passing Ordinary bills in the Parliament of India.

. Every ordinary bill has to pass through the following five stages in the Parliament before it finds a place on the Statute Book: First Reading An ordinary bill can be introduced in either House of Parliament. Such a bill can be introduced either by a minister or by any other member. The member who … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the procedure of passing Ordinary bills in the Parliament of India.

DMPQ-How does flood effects India during monsoon and how Governments prepares to control it ?

Frequent inundation of agricultural land and human settlement, particularly in Assam, West Bengal, Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh (flooding rivers), coastal areas of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat (cyclone) and Punjab, Rajasthan, Northern Gujarat and Haryana (flash floods) have serious consequences on the national economy and society. Floods do not only destroy valuable … Read more DMPQ-How does flood effects India during monsoon and how Governments prepares to control it ?

DMPQ-What is Foreign portfolio investment(FPI) ? How is it different from FDI ?

Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) consists of securities and other financial assets held by investors in another country. It does not provide the investor with direct ownership of a company’s assets and is relatively liquid depending on the volatility of the market. Along with foreign direct investment (FDI), FPI is one of the common ways to … Read more DMPQ-What is Foreign portfolio investment(FPI) ? How is it different from FDI ?

DMPQ-Discuss the major devices of Parliamentary procedure.

Question Hour The first hour of every parliamentary sitting is slotted for this. During this time, the members ask questions and the ministers usually give answers. The questions are of three kinds, namely, starred, unstarred and short notice. A starred question (distinguished by an asterisk) requires an oral answer and hence supplementary questions can follow. … Read more DMPQ-Discuss the major devices of Parliamentary procedure.

DMPQ-Throw light on preparedness and mitigation procedure during and after earthquake disaster.

. Unlike other disasters, the damages caused by earthquakes are more devastating. Since it also destroys most of the transport and communication links, providing timely relief to the victims becomes difficult. It is not possible to prevent the occurrence of an earthquake;  hence, the next best option is to emphasis on disaster preparedness and mitigation … Read more DMPQ-Throw light on preparedness and mitigation procedure during and after earthquake disaster.

DMPQ-. Explain the routes of foreign direct investment in organized retail sector. Also mention the benefits of FDI in retail sector.

. Foreign Direct Investment in organized retail is yet another area shrouded in controversy.  What is organized retail? Let us define retail first, it is household requirement of the people  comprising of food and grocery, clothing, convenience, consumer goods, etc. Secondly,  organized retailing is selling of these household commonly used goods to the people  directly, … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the routes of foreign direct investment in organized retail sector. Also mention the benefits of FDI in retail sector.

DMPQ-What is the concept of ‘Kitchen cabinet’? Point out the evolution of Kitchen cabinet in Indian politics.

. The cabinet, a small body consisting of the prime minister as its head and some 15 to 20 most important ministers, is the highest decision-making body in the formal sense. However, a still smaller body called the ‘inner Cabinet’ or ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ has become the real centre of power. This informal body consists of … Read more DMPQ-What is the concept of ‘Kitchen cabinet’? Point out the evolution of Kitchen cabinet in Indian politics.