DMPQ- What is Reusable launch vehicle ? Trace the development of India’s reusable launch technology .

The cost of access to space is the major deterrent in space exploration and space utilization. A reusable launch vehicle is the unanimous solution to achieve low cost, reliable and on-demand space access. Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration Program or RLV-TD is a series of technology demonstration missions that have been considered as a first step … Read more DMPQ- What is Reusable launch vehicle ? Trace the development of India’s reusable launch technology .

DMPQ- “During 1857 revolt Bahadur shah zafar was the symbolic head of the revolutionaries.” Elucidate.

During the revolt in Delhi, the local infantry killed their own European officers including Simon Fraser, the political agent, and seized the city. Lieutenant Willoughby, the officer-in- charge of the magazine at Delhi, offered some resistance, but was overcome. The aged and powerless Bahadur Shah Zafar was proclaimed the Emperor of India. Delhi was soon … Read more DMPQ- “During 1857 revolt Bahadur shah zafar was the symbolic head of the revolutionaries.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Trace the sequence of events led to the unification of Germany.

. The German Confederation was an association of 39 German states in Central Europe, created by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to coordinate the economies of separate German-speaking countries and to replace the former Holy Roman Empire. It acted as a buffer between the powerful states of Austria and Prussia. Britain approved of the … Read more DMPQ- Trace the sequence of events led to the unification of Germany.

DMPQ- Trace the impact of Persian invasion on Indian culture in sixth century BC.

. In the first half of sixth century BC, there were a number of small tribal states in north west India. There was no sovereign power to unite these warring tribes. The Achaemenid rulers of Persia or Iran took advantage of the political disunity of this region. Cyrus, the founder of the Achaemenid dynasty, and … Read more DMPQ- Trace the impact of Persian invasion on Indian culture in sixth century BC.

DMPQ- It has been said that in parliamentary system control over government and administration is weak. Do you agree?

. The parliamentary control over government and administration in India is more theoretical than practical. In reality, the control is not as effective as it ought to be. The following factors are responsible for this: The Parliament has neither time nor expertise to control the administration which has grown in volume as well as complexity. … Read more DMPQ- It has been said that in parliamentary system control over government and administration is weak. Do you agree?

DMPQ- What is GSLV-5 rocket ? point out it’s significance for India’s Space missions.

GSLV-D5 is the eighth flight of India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). It is also the fourth developmental flight of GSLV. GSLV-D5 vehicle is configured with its first and second stages similar to the ones flown during earlier GSLV missions. The third stage is the Indigenous Cryogenic Stage. The metallic payload fairing with a diameter … Read more DMPQ- What is GSLV-5 rocket ? point out it’s significance for India’s Space missions.

DMPQ- What are the major economic causes of the 1857 revolt ?

The colonial policies of the East India Company destroyed the traditional economic fabric of the Indian society. The peasantry were never really to recover from the disabilities imposed by the new and a highly unpopular revenue settlement. Impoverished by heavy taxation, the peasants resorted to loans from money-lenders/traders at usurious rates, the latter often evicting … Read more DMPQ- What are the major economic causes of the 1857 revolt ?

DMPQ- Give a brief description of Chandrayan-2 mission. Mention why it did not complete it’s goal.

Chandrayaan-2 mission was a highly complex mission, which represents a significant technological leap compared to the previous missions of ISRO. It comprised an Orbiter, Lander and Rover to explore the unexplored South Pole of the Moon. The mission was designed to expand the lunar scientific knowledge through detailed study of topography, seismography, mineral identification and … Read more DMPQ- Give a brief description of Chandrayan-2 mission. Mention why it did not complete it’s goal.