DMPQ: What is black money? Discuss its implication in context of India?

Black money is defined  as assets or resources that have neither been reported to the public authorities at the time of their generation nor disclosed at any point of time during the possession. The problem with  black money is huge . It has serious socio-political and economic implications. According to sources the estimate of GDP … Read more DMPQ: What is black money? Discuss its implication in context of India?

DMPQ: What are the types of pressure groups? Discuss the significane of Pressure groups.

Pressure group is an organised group of people that wants to influence the policies or activities of those in able to make decision. This could be at a local, national or international level of government. There are various types of Pressure groups summarised below: Social or Identity based groups: They have one particular identity. There … Read more DMPQ: What are the types of pressure groups? Discuss the significane of Pressure groups.

DMPQ: Discuss the problems associated with coal mining in India.

Coal is an important raw material for heavy industries. Its abundance ensures a rapid industrial growth.  But coal mining has its own cost and it has negative externalities. Major problem with coal mining is threat to environment. Open cast mining results in air pollution because of coal dust and coal transportation leading to suspended particulate … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the problems associated with coal mining in India.

DMPQ: Revolt of 1857 was a major landmark in National freedom struggle. What changes it brought to the governance system?

Revolt of 1857 was the  outburst of anger by the Indians against the exploitative policies of the Britishers. Even though  Britishers manage to supress the revolt. It made them to look into administration and way of governance. As a result they brought “ Act for betterment of India” . This act replace the rule of … Read more DMPQ: Revolt of 1857 was a major landmark in National freedom struggle. What changes it brought to the governance system?

DMPQ: What is coral bleaching? What are the causes of coral bleaching? 

When there are changes in the condition like temperature, light or nutrients the symbiotic linkage between algae and zooxanthellae gets deteriorated, causing them to turn white. In coral bleaching the density of zooxanthellae decline and the concentration of photosynthetic pigment decline which lead to decline in color. 20% of the coral reefs have already been … Read more DMPQ: What is coral bleaching? What are the causes of coral bleaching? 

DMPQ: Why India adopted parliamentary form of government? Write down the merits and demerits of parliament government?

India was under the British rule where parliament form of government was in operation. Even during the course of the freedom movement, people of the country got familiarized with the principles of parliamentary government. Further a charm for giving  priority to responsibility over  stability was another reason. The constitutional makers wanted to avoid heroic worship … Read more DMPQ: Why India adopted parliamentary form of government? Write down the merits and demerits of parliament government?

DMPQ: Is cashless economy feasible in India? Also discuss the impact of it on informal economy?

India Cash/GDP ratio is 12.24% which makes it one of the largest cash based economy. But there are certain problem for a cashless economy especially for India as : ‘ There is low penetration of internet. Last mile connectivity especially in rural sector is quite low which creates hurdle in digitisation of economy. Lack of … Read more DMPQ: Is cashless economy feasible in India? Also discuss the impact of it on informal economy?

DMPQ: What do you understand by the term soil erosion and soil degradation? what are the causes of soil erosion? List down the solution to curb soil erosion.

Soil erosion : It is the process by which top layer of soil gets removed thus affecting the productivity by altering the structure of the soil. It is a natural process but human intervention has accentuated the rate of depletion of soil wealth. Soil Degradation:  It is a process through which qualitative degradation of soil … Read more DMPQ: What do you understand by the term soil erosion and soil degradation? what are the causes of soil erosion? List down the solution to curb soil erosion.

DMPQ: The battle of Plassey and Battle of buxar proved to be the founding platform of British empire. Discuss 

The battle of Plassey proved to be of immense significance. It established British mastery over Bengal. Now it become the starting mark for the starting of british empire in India. It boosted British prestige both in India and back in Britain and raised them to status of major contender of power in India. After battle … Read more DMPQ: The battle of Plassey and Battle of buxar proved to be the founding platform of British empire. Discuss