DMPQ: Arguments in favour and against the linguistic organisation of state. For Against 1. Most secular trait for reorganisation It was feared that it will spur the demand for new states,..weakening of integration process   2. Education in mother tounge -easily grasped by student It would slow down the process of emergence of a national identity 3. It will help to preserve cultural identity … Read more DMPQ: Arguments in favour and against the linguistic organisation of state.

DMPQ: Deindustrialisation was one of the impact of British rule. Give the reasons for deindustrialisation of India?

British rule was the era of drain of wealth. It affected all the sector alike. It has an impact on socio-economic-political milieu. Deindustalisation was the one of the serious consequence. The reasons for deindustralisation are as follows: The patronage received by the industries earlier were no longer available. As there was curtailment of demand of … Read more DMPQ: Deindustrialisation was one of the impact of British rule. Give the reasons for deindustrialisation of India?

DMPQ: What are ocean currents? What are the factors responsible for ocean currents.     

Ocean current are nothing but movement of volume of water in defined direction and    with an identifiable speed. These current regulate the temperature and salinity of ocean currents and also get regulated by them. Factors responsible for ocean currents: Earth rotation from west to east . It leads to North equatorial current and south equatorial … Read more DMPQ: What are ocean currents? What are the factors responsible for ocean currents.     

DMPQ: What are GM crops? Discuss its advantage and issue involved.

Genetic modified crop as the name suggest is modified form of crop in which nuclear material of parent crop is altered and modified to its advantage by use of genetic engineering. Example of genetic crops are Bt cotton, bt brinjal etc. Advantage: Drought resilient varieties, pest resilient varieties can be grown. This will bring sustainability … Read more DMPQ: What are GM crops? Discuss its advantage and issue involved.

DMPQ: Sagarmala is an ambitious project. What is sagarmala? What are the challenges in implementation? Discuss the prospect of the project.

Sagarmala is a series of projects to leverage the country’s coastline and inland waterways to drive port led development. It is a mammoth project with a total outlay of 8 lakh crore spread across four broad areas. Modernisation of port infrastructure Improve port connectivity Development of coastal community Create coastal economic zones   Challenges: It … Read more DMPQ: Sagarmala is an ambitious project. What is sagarmala? What are the challenges in implementation? Discuss the prospect of the project.

DMPQ: What is blockchain technology? List down advantage and application

A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Constantly growing as ‘completed’ blocks (the most recent transactions) are recorded and added to it in chronological order, it allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central recordkeeping. Each node (a computer connected to the network) gets a copy of the blockchain, which is downloaded … Read more DMPQ: What is blockchain technology? List down advantage and application

DMPQ: What is 52nd Constitutional amendment act. Discuss the issues attached with it.

52nd CAA introduces anti defection law which makes defection  a difficult process. The  objective of the law was to prevent horse trading  and use of money power in getting required support in the parliament and assemblies. It has able to achieve the desired objectives but it is not immune from criticism. The issues with anti-defection … Read more DMPQ: What is 52nd Constitutional amendment act. Discuss the issues attached with it.

DMPQ: Social reform movements played their role in making of modern India. Discuss the features of Social reform movement.

The era of advent of EIC coincided with the era of Modernisation.  This modern period brought some changes in our social, religious milieu. The movements tried to brought modern elements and tried to give new shape to our social structure. The features of social reform movement are as follows: These movements were characterised by rationalism … Read more DMPQ: Social reform movements played their role in making of modern India. Discuss the features of Social reform movement.

DMPQ: Sugar mills are facing some serious problems in the recent past. List down the       reason for problems attached with sugar mills. Why  performance of mills in peninsular India is better than that of north India?

Obsolete machinery Low productivity/ hectare Low crushing season Policies issues: Highly political sensitive commodity Delinking of sugarcane and sugar prices State advisory prices are very high Restriction on the use of bagasse and molasses. Energy generation cannot be sell out to others. Low per capita consumption of sugars. High input cost involved in sugarcane crop. … Read more DMPQ: Sugar mills are facing some serious problems in the recent past. List down the       reason for problems attached with sugar mills. Why  performance of mills in peninsular India is better than that of north India?

DMPQ: Wealth inequality is a serious concern for the Government around the world. What are the reasons for wealth inequality in India? List down the consequence of wealth inequality.

:  According to a report of Oxfam international , India’s richest now hold 58% of country’s wealth. 57 billionaires in the country have the same wealth as that of the bottom 70% population, Wealth inequality is a serious issue. The reasons for wealth inequality are: Growing incidence of Tax avoidance and Tax evasion Existence of … Read more DMPQ: Wealth inequality is a serious concern for the Government around the world. What are the reasons for wealth inequality in India? List down the consequence of wealth inequality.