DMPQ: What is El Nino and southern oscillation and How it affects the Indian Monsoon.

El-nino is the classical phenomenon where warming of Pacific ocean takes place near the western coast of Peru and Equador. It occurs at every 3-4 years. It weakens the trade winds and changes in southern oscillation , thereby affects the rainfall pattern across the world. Southern oscillation: Southern oscillation is the alternating of sea level … Read more DMPQ: What is El Nino and southern oscillation and How it affects the Indian Monsoon.

DMPQ: Lord Rippon contribution to Indian governance was of immense significance. comment

Lord Rippon’s political outlook was very antithesis to his immediate predecessor. He was inspired with a sense of mission and duty towards British subjects, irrespective of their nationality. His vision was modern in outlook and his steps were ingrained with forward looking outlook. He took some steps towards liberalising administration in India. He ended the … Read more DMPQ: Lord Rippon contribution to Indian governance was of immense significance. comment

DMPQ: What is radioactivity? List down the application of radioactivity

Radioactivity is a physical process. As the name implies it is the act of emitting radiation spontaneously. In simple terms if atomic nucleus is unstable and want to loose some energy, it will release energy in the form of radiations. There are several types of particles or waves that may shoot out of a radioactive … Read more DMPQ: What is radioactivity? List down the application of radioactivity

DMPQ: State public service commission are not at par with the union public service commission. Discuss

State public service commission are dealt by the same set of the articles i.e. from art 315 to 323. The SPSC is the highest recruiting agency in state. It is an independent constitution body. But the SPSC have not been able to do justice with them, the reason are as follows: Perceived corruption: Among the … Read more DMPQ: State public service commission are not at par with the union public service commission. Discuss

DMPQ: what are seismic waves? Explain the different type of seismic waves?

Seismic waves are generated due to the release of the energy during an earthquake. They behave differently in different physical mediums and hence provide a good idea how the interior of earth must be. Broadly there are three types of seismic waves: Primary waves: (P) – Waves are longitudinal waves. i.e. The motion of particles … Read more DMPQ: what are seismic waves? Explain the different type of seismic waves?

DMPQ: What is Disinvestment? What are its advantages and disadvantages.

Disinvestment is the practice of selling of shares by an organisation ( generally used for government) to the private sector. Disinvestment is de-nationalization of less than 100 per cent ownership transfer from the state to the private sector. The objective of disinvestment is to mobilise the resources, To use the resources for productive purposes like … Read more DMPQ: What is Disinvestment? What are its advantages and disadvantages.

DMPQ: Evaluate the role of Dayanand Saraswati in the social reform movement of the 19th century.

Dayanad Saraswati’s was one of the pioneer figure during the course of socio religious movement. His ideology stirred a new debate within the reformist movement in India. It made the masses culturally conscious.   He founded Aryan samaj in Bombay in 1875 and invoked the authority of vedas as the most authentic Indian religious reforms … Read more DMPQ: Evaluate the role of Dayanand Saraswati in the social reform movement of the 19th century.

DMPQ: What is Li-fi technology? List down its application

Light fidelity(Li-Fi) is a revolutionary new technology that transmit high speed data using lights. It is perceived to be 100 times faster than Wifi technology which is based on radio wave communication. Potential application: Mobile connectivity: Increase in the mobile connectivity. Laptops, smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices can interconnect directly using Li-Fi. Short … Read more DMPQ: What is Li-fi technology? List down its application

DMPQ: what do you understand by the term demographic dividend? This dividend is fast becoming liability. Discuss?

Demographic dividend means that as compared to other large developing and developed countries, India Has a higher proportion of working age population as compared to entire population. More than 50% of India’s population is in the age group of 15-59 years. With such a young population. It has a huge demographic dividend waiting to be … Read more DMPQ: what do you understand by the term demographic dividend? This dividend is fast becoming liability. Discuss?

DMPQ: What is e governance? What are its benefits ?

E-governance, expands to electronic governance, is the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)in all the processes, with the aim of enhancing government ability to address the needs of the general public. The basic purpose of e-governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc. at National, State and local levels. There are various … Read more DMPQ: What is e governance? What are its benefits ?