DMPQ: 44th Amendment Act 1978, not just reversed the distorted provisions of 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976, but also inserted some safeguards for preventing the gross misuse of power. In the light of above statement, outline the important changes brought through 44th Amendment act.

The 44th amendment to the Indian Constitution was passed after the revocation of internal emergency in 1977. It annulled many anti-democratic provisions of the 42nd amendment enacted during the emergency. It also tried to ensure that in future, an emergency would not be easily imposed, also added some features to prevent any future misuse of … Read more DMPQ: 44th Amendment Act 1978, not just reversed the distorted provisions of 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976, but also inserted some safeguards for preventing the gross misuse of power. In the light of above statement, outline the important changes brought through 44th Amendment act.

DMPQ: What is Industrial revolution 4.0? Major components of IR 4.0? What are the advantages for India?

The fourth industrial revolution is a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another. The 4threvolution will be characterized by the advent of cyber-physical systems which, while being reliant on the technologies and infrastructure of the third industrial revolution, represent entirely new ways in which technology becomes … Read more DMPQ: What is Industrial revolution 4.0? Major components of IR 4.0? What are the advantages for India?

DMPQ: Indian economy is a gamble of Monsoon. In this context explain the mechanism of monsoon?

The word ―monsoon‖ comes from the Arabic word mausim, meaning season. Monsoons refer to a system of winds in the tropical regions under which the direction of winds is reversed completely between the summer and the winter seasons. Under this system, the winds blow from land to sea in winter and from sea to land … Read more DMPQ: Indian economy is a gamble of Monsoon. In this context explain the mechanism of monsoon?

DMPQ: Why twin deficit is a concern for any economy? Outline the methods adopted by Government of India to deal with twin deficit.

The fiscal deficit is the difference between the government’s total expenditure and its total receipts excluding borrowing. Current account deficit is when country’s export of goods, services and transfers are lesser than its imports of goods, services and transfers.   Impacts of Fiscal deficit: If unchecked it will lead to crowding out effect, manipulation of … Read more DMPQ: Why twin deficit is a concern for any economy? Outline the methods adopted by Government of India to deal with twin deficit.

DMPQ: Although India is one of the fastest growing economy the global environment is not conducive enough. Explain the interdependence of global economy with Indian economy.

Due to globalization, the economies of world are more inter-connected than ever. With increased growth of economic activities around the world, it has impacted India’s GDP in several ways.   How global economic environment affects GDP of India: Global crisis will severely affect certain sector, which will then have spill over effects there by affecting … Read more DMPQ: Although India is one of the fastest growing economy the global environment is not conducive enough. Explain the interdependence of global economy with Indian economy.

DMPQ: In India governor’s role is not beyond criticism. There is an allegation of Governors post being politicised and not more than decorated post. What changes you can suggest to change this perception?

Article 153 of Indian constitution establishes the office of governor in every state of Indian union. All executive decisions of the state are under the name of governor (Article 154). Governor will hold the office till he/she enjoys the pleasure of president (Article 156). Governor’s office is of vital importance having multifaceted role. But frequent … Read more DMPQ: In India governor’s role is not beyond criticism. There is an allegation of Governors post being politicised and not more than decorated post. What changes you can suggest to change this perception?

DMPQ: Although both Non cooperation and Civil disobedience were launched under the leadership of Gandhi but there were some differences in both the movements. Discuss the difference?

The Non-Cooperation movement was launched by Gandhi on 1st August 1920 while the Civil Disobedience movement was launched by Gandhi on 6th April 1930 at Dandi in Gujarat. Thus there was a gap of 10 years between the two movements. The Civil Disobedience movement was centred around the defiance of salt laws throughout the country … Read more DMPQ: Although both Non cooperation and Civil disobedience were launched under the leadership of Gandhi but there were some differences in both the movements. Discuss the difference?

DMPQ: What is Soil? Given an account on the types of soil in India?

Soil is defined as upper layer of the earth composed of loose surface material. It is a mixture of many substances including endless variety of minerals, remnants of plants and animals, water and air. It is the end product of continuing interaction between the parent material, local climate, plant and animal organisms and elevation of … Read more DMPQ: What is Soil? Given an account on the types of soil in India?