Should there be educational criteria for contesting elections? Critically analyse( Polity)

Supreme court of India in its judgement rightly stated that it is only education which gives a human being the power to discriminate between right and wrong, good or bad. Hence educational criteria is valid criteria.  The states under article 246(3) can make laws to enable the functioning of self -government. The benefits attached with … Read more Should there be educational criteria for contesting elections? Critically analyse( Polity)

Partition of India was inevitable and Mountbatten ensured that peaceful solution to the problem of Partition can be achieved. Discuss the Mountbatten Plan.( History)

After the announcement of deadline by House of commons that British will left by 30th June, 1948 all the processes for peaceful resolutions were tried out.    But all the solutions went in vain and Partition was the only solution left. For peaceful partition, Mountbatten was appointed. He gave the  Mountbatten plan for Partition. Features of … Read more Partition of India was inevitable and Mountbatten ensured that peaceful solution to the problem of Partition can be achieved. Discuss the Mountbatten Plan.( History)

DMPQ: What is interest subvention scheme? Discuss its salient features

Interest subvention scheme was launched to make available agricultural credit for short term crop loans at an affordable rate to give boost to agriculture productivity and production in the country. The salient features of the scheme are as follows:   It provides concessional of 2% per annum for crop loans to farmers, upto Rs. 3 … Read more DMPQ: What is interest subvention scheme? Discuss its salient features

DMPQ: Explain the nature of demands made by Gandhiji in the 11 point ultimatum.

Before the launch of Civil disobedience movement, 11 point demand was released by Gandhiji. It was an ultimatum to the british Governmnet. The 11 point were inclusive in nature and tried to cover all sections like traders, women, peasants. The pints also include that rights of the citizen being curbed by the unjust laws through … Read more DMPQ: Explain the nature of demands made by Gandhiji in the 11 point ultimatum.

DMPQ: What is intercropping? Write down the advantages of intercropping?

The practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously in a same field in definite row pattern is called intercropping. The row pattern may be in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3. It means after one row of main crop, one, two, or three rows of intercrops can be grown. Objective of intercropping: The basic objective … Read more DMPQ: What is intercropping? Write down the advantages of intercropping?

DMPQ: What is cooperative federalism? What are the challenges to cooperative federalism?

Cooperative federalism, also known as marble-cake federalism, is a concept of federalism in which national, state, and local governments interact cooperatively and collectively to solve common problems. But having cooperative federalism is a difficulty in  India. There are various challenges to cooperative federalism: Centralising provisions, which weigh heavily on spirit of cooperation. Eg art 3, … Read more DMPQ: What is cooperative federalism? What are the challenges to cooperative federalism?

DMPQ: What is Inverted duty structure ? How it has impacted Indian manufacturing over the years.

Inverted duty structure is a condition in which final good is taxed lower on its import as compared to the intermediate good used in the making of finished good.  The economic survey has pointed out that Inverted dusty structure has affected our industries a lot.     Major effect of inverted duty structure: Affect domestic … Read more DMPQ: What is Inverted duty structure ? How it has impacted Indian manufacturing over the years.

DMPQ: What are the objectives of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushdi Pariyojana? Discuss its salient features also.

Out of pocket expenditure on health is one of the reason for perpetual poverty. The major chunk goes in buying medicine. Hence to deal with this issue PMB jan aushadhi yojana was launched to ensure the availability of quality medicine at affordable price for all, particularly the poor and disadvantaged.  The salient features of the … Read more DMPQ: What are the objectives of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushdi Pariyojana? Discuss its salient features also.