DMPQ: Explain the following terms: ( Envt.) a) Emission trading b) Clean development mechanism c) Joint implementation d) REDD

A) Emission trading: Emission trading is a market based approach to control pollution. In this a set of quota is set as limitation on the amount of carbon that can be emitted. If the entity exceeds the quota it has to buy from a seller which has emitted less quantum of carbon than the prescribed … Read more DMPQ: Explain the following terms: ( Envt.) a) Emission trading b) Clean development mechanism c) Joint implementation d) REDD

DMPQ: Define the following terms; a) Tier -1 capital b) Tier -2 capital c) CAR d) Public debt( Economy)

Tier-1 capital:     Tier 1 capital, used to describe the capital adequacy of a bank, is core capital that includes equity capital and disclosed reserves. Tier 1 capital is essentially the most perfect form of a bank’s capital — the money the bank has stored to keep it functioning through all the risky transactions it … Read more DMPQ: Define the following terms; a) Tier -1 capital b) Tier -2 capital c) CAR d) Public debt( Economy)

DMPQ: Free electric power to the farmers is causing a drain on exchequer and also they are not achieving the desire result. Do you agree with the statement. ( Polity)

There is about accumulated debt of 1 lakh crore on state electricity boards. The reasons being free power is a political issues and different political parties offer it as dole to influence the voter. This subsidy has done more damage than good. 83% of the Punjab farmers have small or marginal land holdings and they … Read more DMPQ: Free electric power to the farmers is causing a drain on exchequer and also they are not achieving the desire result. Do you agree with the statement. ( Polity)

DMPQ: Tax reforms are the major part of the economic programme. Discuss the reforms taken in the direct taxes and indirect taxes in India.( Economy)

Since the beginnings of the last decade as a part of the economic reforms programme, the taxation system in the country has been subjected to consistent and comprehensive programme.  Indian government over the years have introduced tax reforms from time to time.     Direct tax reforms: Reduction and rationalisation of rates- there are only … Read more DMPQ: Tax reforms are the major part of the economic programme. Discuss the reforms taken in the direct taxes and indirect taxes in India.( Economy)

DMPQ: What is sustainable agriculture? How it can be achieved?(5 marker)( science)

Sustainability means keeping an effort going continuously. So, sustainable agriculture means successful management of resources for agriculture to satisfy the changing human needs, while maintaining or enhancing the quality of environment and conserving natural resources. Sustainable agriculture can be achieved by adopting; Mixed farming Mixed cropping Crop rotation Crop selection Varietal improvement   Q3.               Coalitions government … Read more DMPQ: What is sustainable agriculture? How it can be achieved?(5 marker)( science)

DMPQ: Quality of Air in Delhi is getting worsen day by day. What are the causes for air pollution in Delhi. Suggest ways to deal with the problem of air pollution. ( Envt)

Delhi has become a smoke chamber in the recent past especially in winters. The changes in temperature  and slowing wind traps soot, dust fine and particulate matter. The reasons for air pollution are as follows: Burning of agricultural residue in Punjab and harayana. Farm stubble burning. This reason got aggravated because of the use of … Read more DMPQ: Quality of Air in Delhi is getting worsen day by day. What are the causes for air pollution in Delhi. Suggest ways to deal with the problem of air pollution. ( Envt)

DMPQ: What is poultry farming? What are the desirable traits developed Obtained after cross breeding? ( Science)

Poultry is the rearing of domesticated fowl (chicken), ducks, geese, turkey and some varieties of pigeon for their meat and eggs. The specialized meat-producing poultry birds are called broilers while egg-laying poultry birds are called layers. The tremendous rise in the availability of poultry products is called Silver Revolution. Variety improvement is done by cross-breeding … Read more DMPQ: What is poultry farming? What are the desirable traits developed Obtained after cross breeding? ( Science)