What is shale gas and fracking? Problems associated with shale gas extraction.

Shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks formed of organic-rich mud at the bottom of ancient seas.Subsequent sedimentation and the resultant heat and pressure transformed the mud into shale and also produced natural gas from the organic matter contained in it. Over long spans of geologic time, some of the gas migrated to adjacent sandstones and was trapped in … Read more What is shale gas and fracking? Problems associated with shale gas extraction.

Lack of access to sanitation is widespread and well documented. The burden faced by women and girls are more due to deficiency in sanitation facility. Comment

There are disproportionate burden that falls on women and girls due to deficiencies in sanitation facilities.A rapid study conducted in 2016 by WASH Institute and Sambodhiprovides some insight on the burden faced by women:   76 percent of women had to travel a considerable distance to use these facilities. 33 percent of the women have … Read more Lack of access to sanitation is widespread and well documented. The burden faced by women and girls are more due to deficiency in sanitation facility. Comment

Give an account of the following a) Simon commission b) Meerut conspiracy c) Hindustan republic association d) Radcliff line

(a)Simon commission: The commission was torecommend to the Government whether India was ready for further constitutional reforms. It is also known as Indian statutory commission.  It was set up by lord Birkenhead. (b)Meerut Conspiracy: Meerut Conspiracy was a controversial court case initiated in British India in March1929 and decided in 1933. Several trade unionists, including … Read more Give an account of the following a) Simon commission b) Meerut conspiracy c) Hindustan republic association d) Radcliff line

Tabulate the difference between mitosis and meiosis.

Draw diagram Basis Mitosis Meiosis Number of divisions One Two – meiosis 1 and meiosis II DNA replication Occurs during interphase Occurs during interphase Role Production of somatic cells for growth of the body Produces gametes or gametogenesis Daughter cell produced Two diploid cells that are genetically identical to parent Four haploid cell(n) containing half … Read more Tabulate the difference between mitosis and meiosis.

Give an account for the following: (map based questions) a) Great lakes b) Lake Baikal c) Lake Tanganyika d) Aral sea

(a)Great lakes  Great Lakes of North America are a series of interconnected freshwater lakes which connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence Seaway.Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario . Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario [In the order of largest to smallest].Lake Superior is the largest continental lake in the … Read more Give an account for the following: (map based questions) a) Great lakes b) Lake Baikal c) Lake Tanganyika d) Aral sea

Demographic dividend is a potential and not destiny. In this context discuss the Advantage of demographic dividend.

India, however, seems to be in a demographic sweet spot with its working-age population projected to grow by a third over the same period.India’s demographic cycle is about 10-30 years behind that of the other countries, indicating that the next few decades present an opportunity for India to catch up to their per capita income … Read more Demographic dividend is a potential and not destiny. In this context discuss the Advantage of demographic dividend.

Give an account of the following: a) Vaikom satyagraha b) Delhi proposal c) Alipore conspiracy d) Muzzafarpur conspiracy case

(a)Vaikom satyagraha: Vaikom Satyagraha was a movement in Travancore (modern-day Kerala) for temple entry ofthe depressed classes. It took place near the Shiva Temple at Vaikom, Kottayam district, Keraladuring 1924-25. Vaikom was at that time a part of the princely state of Travancore. (b)Delhi proposal: Earlier, in December 1927, a large number of Muslim leaders … Read more Give an account of the following: a) Vaikom satyagraha b) Delhi proposal c) Alipore conspiracy d) Muzzafarpur conspiracy case

Give an account of following a) Hunter commission b) Sadler commission

a) Hunter commission: Lord Ripon appointed the first Indian Education Commission on 3rd February 1882. Sir Willium Hunter (a member of viceroy’s Executive Council) was appointed as the chairman of the commission. The commission was popularly known as Hunter Commission after the name of its chairman. The major objective of Hunter commission was to: Assess … Read more Give an account of following a) Hunter commission b) Sadler commission

A) What is ultrasound waves and outline its benefits? b) Use of Inert gases

A) What is ultrasound waves and outline its benefits? Waves which have frequency more than 20,000 Hz and which are not audible to human ears but audible to dogs, cats , bats, whales. Ultrasounds are used in various different fields. They are used to detect objects and measure distance. Ultrasound imagining is used in the … Read more A) What is ultrasound waves and outline its benefits? b) Use of Inert gases

How does the climate change affect the global distribution of fauna?

  Climate change is a result of rapid global warming. The increase of average temperature of earth is termed as Global warming. Global warming is a natural process which has been accelerated by anthropogenic activities. Because of this earth is not getting time to adjust to this change. This is causing climate change. Effect on … Read more How does the climate change affect the global distribution of fauna?