Quick Revision- Type of Missile

INTEGRATED MISSILE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME:   Missile Type Remark Prithvi Short range Surface to Surface ballistic missile – The Prithvi missile is a family of tactical surface-to-surface short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) and is India’s first indigenously developed ballistic missile. Development of the Prithvi began in 1983, and it was first test-fired on 25 February 1988 from Sriharikota, … Read more Quick Revision- Type of Missile

DMPQ- Short note on Bio toilets.

The environment-friendly bio-toilets for passenger coaches were developed jointly by Indian Railways and Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).In the bio-toilet fitted coaches, human waste is collected in bio digester tanks below the toilets and is decomposed by a consortium of anaerobic bacteria.By the process of hydrolysis, acetogenesis, acidogenesis and methanogenesis, the anaerobic bacteria converts … Read more DMPQ- Short note on Bio toilets.


Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) scheme was first announced in Budget 2018. The scheme would focus on managing and converting cattle dung and solid waste in farms to compost, biogas and bio-CNG. It wiill help in keeping the village clean while increasing the income of farmers and cattle herders.  Under it, villagers will be … Read more DMPQ- GOBAR DHAN Yojana.

DMPQ: Outline the recommendations of MS Swaminathan report on providing formal credit sources to the farmers.

Recommendations are as follows: Expand the outreach of the formal credit system to reach the really poor and needy. Reduce rate of interest for crop loans to 4 per cent simple, with government support. Moratorium on debt recovery, including loans from non-institutional sources, and waiver of interest on loans in distress hotspots and during calamities, … Read more DMPQ: Outline the recommendations of MS Swaminathan report on providing formal credit sources to the farmers.

DMPQ: Write a short note on TAMRA Portal.

With an objective to enhance transparency and accountability as a part of the Ease of Doing Business in the Mining sector, TAMRA (Transparency, Auction Monitoring and Resource Augmentation) portal and Mobile Application was launched.   TAMRA Portal and Mobile Application  is a step to speed up mining activity in India and facilitate all the stakeholders to track the status … Read more DMPQ: Write a short note on TAMRA Portal.

DMPQ: What were the evidences put forward by Wegner in support of Continental drift theory?

“Jig saw” fit- Wegener was struck by the geographical similarity between the opposite coasts ofthe Atlantic Ocean. The outlines of the two coasts appears to be the detached portion of theother ie. The east coast of north and South America can be exactly fit into the left coast ofAfrica and Europe. Geological structure- there is … Read more DMPQ: What were the evidences put forward by Wegner in support of Continental drift theory?

DMPQ: Discuss the issues with the Unlawful activities and prevention act.

Pursuant to the acceptance of recommendations of the Committee on National Integration and Regionalisation, the Constitution (Sixteenth Amendment) Act, 1963 was enacted to impose, by law, reasonable restrictions in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India. In order to implement the provisions of 1963 Act, the Unlawful Activities act was passed.   Issues … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the issues with the Unlawful activities and prevention act.