Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India (DARPAN) is aimed at realizing financial inclusion of un-banked rural population. The Project shall increase the rural reach of the Department of Posts and enable Branch Post Offices to increase traffic of all financial remittances, savings accounts, Rural Postal Life Insurance, and Cash Certificates etc.  … Read more DMPQ: DARPAN Scheme.

DMPQ:Explain the following terms: a) Ijara b) Kankut c) Khiraj

a) Ijara:  the Ijarahsystem or revenue farming was introduced to boost up the state’s revenue in Bengal in the reign of Jahandar Shah (1712–13), who was supported by nobel Zulfiqar Khan.Under this system, when peasant did not have resources available for cultivation or due to some calamity cultivation could not be done, the lands were farmed … Read more DMPQ:Explain the following terms: a) Ijara b) Kankut c) Khiraj

DMPQ:Legislative Council is just a dilatory chamber. Its power is nowhere near Rajya Sabha. Comment

The constitution gives Councils limited legislative powers. Unlike Rajya Sabha which has substantial powers to shape non-financial legislation, Legislative Councils lack the constitutional mandate to do so. Legislative Assemblies have the power to override suggestions/amendments made to a legislation by the Council.The Rajya Sabha has equal powers with the Lok Sabha in all spheres except … Read more DMPQ:Legislative Council is just a dilatory chamber. Its power is nowhere near Rajya Sabha. Comment

DMPQ:YuvaSahakar Scheme

National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) has introduced YuvaSahakar-Cooperative Enterprise Support and Innovation Scheme.  This is a youth friendly scheme which will attract youths to cooperative business ventures.  The scheme will be linked to Rs.1000 crore Cooperative Start-up and Innovation Fund (CSIF)‘.  The scheme envisages 2% less than the applicable rate of interest on term loan … Read more DMPQ:YuvaSahakar Scheme

DMPQ:Write short note on 123rd Constitutional amendment act?

It seeks to grant the National Commission on Backward Classes (NCBC) constitutional status, at par with the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) and the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes.The NCBC is a body set up under the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993. The Act states that the President may specify the socially and … Read more DMPQ:Write short note on 123rd Constitutional amendment act?

DMPQ:Describe the following terms: a) IbadatKhana b) Mansabdari c) Iqta

Ibadatkhana: The IbadatKhana or House of Worship was a prayer or a meeting room built by Akbar at his palace in Fatehpur Sikri. Originally he intended the place to be only for Sunni Muslims to gather and discuss various issues. However, when petty differences between other religious sects and followers got out of control he … Read more DMPQ:Describe the following terms: a) IbadatKhana b) Mansabdari c) Iqta

DMPQ:What is the difference between the V schedule and VI schedule of the constitution?

While both the areas under 5th schedule and 6th schedule have dominance of the tribal people, constitution calls them with different names as Scheduled Area under 5th schedule while Tribal areas under 6th schedule. While executive powers of the union extend in Scheduled areas with respect to their administration in 5th schedule; the 6th schedule areas remain … Read more DMPQ:What is the difference between the V schedule and VI schedule of the constitution?

DMPQ: Outline the difference between Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park.

Difference Between Wildlife Sanctuary And National Park Wildlife sanctuary National Park Human activities are allowed No human activities are allowed Objective is to protect particular flora or fauna Can include flora, fauna or even any object of historical significance. Boundaries are not fixed Boundaries are fixed and are defined. Formed by the executive orders of … Read more DMPQ: Outline the difference between Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park.

DMPQ: Short Note on World Food Programme.

World Food Programme It is the food-assistance branch of the United Nations and the world’s largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security. It was formally established in 1963 by the FAO and the United Nations General Assembly. Head Quartered at Rome. The operations are funded by voluntary donations from world governments, corporations and … Read more DMPQ: Short Note on World Food Programme.

DMPQ: Define the following terms: a) Diwan-i-wizarat b) Diwan-I-Arz c) Diwan-i-Insha d) Diwan-i-Risalat

Diwani-i-WIzarat:It was the finance department headed by the wazir (Prime-minister). Naib wazir acted as deputy to wazir. The wazir was assisted by the mushrif-i-mamalik, (accountant) who maintained a record of the accounts and the mustauf-i-mamalik (auditor) who audited this account. Under Firuz Tughluq, wazirs became hereditary.   Diwan-i-Ariz:   Headed by the Ariz-i-mamalik, it was the … Read more DMPQ: Define the following terms: a) Diwan-i-wizarat b) Diwan-I-Arz c) Diwan-i-Insha d) Diwan-i-Risalat