DMPQ- “ Home charges” is one of the main component of drain of wealth. Explain the term Home charge.

Expenditure carried out by company up to 1858 and by British government after 1858 in London on behalf of India. Home charges include –  Dividend paid to shareholders by company.  Interest paid by company on the loans raised in London.  Salary and pensions of officials working in London.  Pension of officials … Read more DMPQ- “ Home charges” is one of the main component of drain of wealth. Explain the term Home charge.

DMPQ- Discuss the following terms: a) IMPRINT b) STAR

IMPRINT: IMPRINT is the first of its kind MHRD supported Pan-IIT + IISc joint initiative to address the major science and engineering challenges that India must address and champion to enable, empower and embolden the nation for inclusive growth and self-reliance. This novel initiative with twofold mandate is aimed at: (a) Developing new engineering education … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the following terms: a) IMPRINT b) STAR

DMPQ- Outline the salient features of National intellectual Policy Rights in India.

The National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy 2016 was adopted on 12.5.2016 as a vision document to guide future development of IPRs in the country. This has led to the following achievements:- Strengthening of Institutional Mechanism Clearing Backlog/ Reducing Pendency Increase in Filings of Patents IP Process Re-engineering Creating IPR Awareness vi.        IPRs in School … Read more DMPQ- Outline the salient features of National intellectual Policy Rights in India.

DMPQ-Explain the following: a) Farmers First b) ARYA c) Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav

Farmers FIRST: The objectives of the ‘Farmer FIRST’ initiative is to move beyond the production and productivity and to privilege the complex, diverse & risk prone realities of the farmers through enhancing farmers-scientists contact with multi stakeholders participation for technology development and application. The project has been conceptualized with focus on Enriching Farmers –Scientist interface; Technology … Read more DMPQ-Explain the following: a) Farmers First b) ARYA c) Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav

DMPQ-INS Viraat.

INS Viraat is the longest serving warship in the world. It hold the Guinness Books of record  INS Viraat was first commissioned into the British Royal Navy as the HMS Hermes on November 18, 1959, 15 years after she was laid down in June, 1944.  She served as the flagship of the Royal Navy’s task … Read more DMPQ-INS Viraat.

DMPQ-Discuss the contribution of Dada Bhai Naroji in Indian National Movement.

Naoroji was a prominent figure and play a significant role in Indian national movement. He was the first Asian to be member of British Parliament.  His work find mention across all fields i.e. social, political, economic etc . For his contribution he is regarded as the Grand Old man of India. In 1866 he founded … Read more DMPQ-Discuss the contribution of Dada Bhai Naroji in Indian National Movement.

DMPQ- Throw light on the contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

Raja Ram tried to create a new Hindu religion philosophy and enfolded in it the existence of one God and other beliefs, which were then not the predominant features in Hinduism. He attacked some Hindu traditions and features among them caste system, child marriages, Sati – burning of the live wife over her dead husband’s pyre, idolatry and other … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on the contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy.


Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) is a Section 8 (under new companies Act, not for profit companies are governed under section 8), non-Government, private limited company. It was incorporated on March 28, 2013. The Government of India holds 24.5% equity in GSTN and all States of the Indian Union, including NCT of Delhi and … Read more DMPQ- GSTN

DMPQ- Write short note on following: a) GSAT-7A b) GSAT 11

1) GSAT-7A:    GSAT-7A with a lift-off mass of 2250 kg, is a geostationary satellite carrying communication transponders in Ku-band. The Satellite is built to provide communication capability to the users over the Indian region. It was launched by the GSLV-F11 launchpad.  It is ISRO’s 7th flight with indigenous upper stage cryogenic engine.  The four liquid … Read more DMPQ- Write short note on following: a) GSAT-7A b) GSAT 11