DMPQ- What do you understand by Adaptive immunity ?

Adaptive immunity develops when innate immunity is ineffective in eliminating infectious agents and the infection is established. The primary functions of the adaptive immune response are the recognition of specific “non-self” antigens in the presence of “self” antigens; the generation of pathogen-specific immunologic effector pathways that eliminate specific pathogens or pathogen-infected cells; and the development … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by Adaptive immunity ?

DMPQ- Diminishing role of government in governance is must for Higher Educational growth. Critically analyse.

Over the years, the government has gradually withdrawn from direct management of public institutions, devolving governance to boards compromising academics, alumni and external members. Instead, it exerts indirect forms of control based largely on mechanisms such as performance-linked funding and quality recognition. The erstwhile regulatory regime of multiple bodies with conflicting and overlapping mandates has … Read more DMPQ- Diminishing role of government in governance is must for Higher Educational growth. Critically analyse.

DMPQ- Explain the impact of Poona Pact of 1932 on the depressed class movements of British India.

Poona Pact of 1932 is an agreement between the untouchables or depressed classes of India and the Hindus. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar led the depressed class. The Poona Pact took place at Yerawada Jail in Pune, Maharashtra on 24th September, 1932.During the first Round Table Conference, Ambedkar favored the move of the British Government to provide separate … Read more DMPQ- Explain the impact of Poona Pact of 1932 on the depressed class movements of British India.

DMPQ- Illustrate the Administrative and Judicial Reforms by Lord William Bentick in British India.

Administrative and Judicial Reforms: The administrative structure of British India had been given shape by Cornwallis. But since the days of Cornwallis the company had made great advances, and defects in that structure became apparent as it had not kept pace with the advance. The judicial system especially suffered from the three great evils of … Read more DMPQ- Illustrate the Administrative and Judicial Reforms by Lord William Bentick in British India.

DMPQ- Explain the method of Defluoridation for water purification.

Defluoridation is the downward adjustment of the level of fluoride in drinking water. Worldwide, fluoride is one of the most abundant anions present in groundwater. Fluoride is more present in groundwater than surface water mainly due to the leaching of minerals. Groundwater accounts for 98 percent of the earth’s potable water. An excess of fluoride … Read more DMPQ- Explain the method of Defluoridation for water purification.

DMPQ- What are the main functions of Trade Unions in India?

Functions of Trade Unions in India Collective Bargaining-Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has defined Collective bargaining as“the technique by which dispute as to conditions of employment is resolved amicably by agreement rather than coercion”in this process negotiations and discussions take place between employer and employee in respect to working conditions.Refusing to bargain collectively is an … Read more DMPQ- What are the main functions of Trade Unions in India?

DMPQ- What are the Principal and Secondary objectives of Social Audit?

Principal Objectives of Social Audit   The principal objectives according to Goyder are as follows. The extension, development and improvement of the company’s business and building up of its financial independence. The payment of a fair and regular dividend to the shareholders. The payment of fair wages under the best possible conditions to the worker. … Read more DMPQ- What are the Principal and Secondary objectives of Social Audit?

DMPQ- What were the causes and effects of The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny (RIN Mutiny)

The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny or the Bombay Mutiny was the revolt of the Indian sailors. The sailors who belonged to the Royal Indian Navy on board ship and shore establishments at Bombay harbour went for a strike and organised a mutiny on 18th February 1946.The whole mutiny involved 78 ships, 20 shore establishments and … Read more DMPQ- What were the causes and effects of The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny (RIN Mutiny)

DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Blue Revolution?

Promote “Blue Revolution” through a multipronged approach and introduction of alternate species. Develop a policy framework for allotment of marine areas and large reservoirs for cage culture through fi shermen cooperatives/private participation or by consortium. Establish SPF Brood Stock Multiplication centres and aquatic quarantine centres for L.vannamei for production and supply of SPF brood stock … Read more DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Blue Revolution?