DMPQ- List out the various oceanic deposits with their classifications.

Most important sorts of ocean deposits are: Terrigenous Deposits Body of water Deposits. There are loose sediments, deposited on the ocean bottom. These are ocean deposits. They vary from location to location. The study of ocean deposits is vital in beneath standing the rocks exposed on the earth’s surface that were once set under ocean. … Read more DMPQ- List out the various oceanic deposits with their classifications.

DMPQ- Explain the Village Courts.

The village courts are named as Lok Adalat or Nyaya Panchyat which means the service of justice extended to the villagers of India. This is the system for resolving disputes in micro level. The need of these courts is justified though the Madras Village Court Act of 1888. This act is followed by the development … Read more DMPQ- Explain the Village Courts.

DMPQ- Mention the Causes of Decline of Indian Handicraft in British India.

Causes of Decline: Decline of Indian courts: The disappearance of Indian courts struck the first blow at Indian handicrafts. As native states passed under British rule, the demand for fine articles, for display in durbars and other ceremonial occasions disappeared. The ordinary demand did continue for sometime longer, but the younger generation lacked the means … Read more DMPQ- Mention the Causes of Decline of Indian Handicraft in British India.

DMPQ- How are the official documents in India are classified ? Analyse the impact of RTI on Official Secrets Act.

Section 8 of RTI Act exempts certain items from being disclosed through an RTI. Section 22 only covers overriding of provisions of Official Secrets Act, 1923 that are inconsistent with those of RTI Act, the documents classified under OSA are not covered. Therefore, Official Secrets Act may cause hinderance. It is a loophole that has … Read more DMPQ- How are the official documents in India are classified ? Analyse the impact of RTI on Official Secrets Act.

DMPQ- Highlight the recommendations of Swwaminathan Commission mentioning bioresources for their nutrition and livelihood security of Rural India.

Rural people in India depend on a wide range of bioresources for their nutrition and livelihood security.  The report recommends: Preserving traditional rights of access to biodiversity, which include access to non-timber forest products including medicinal plants, gums and resins, oil yielding plants and beneficial micro-organisms; Conserving, enhancing and improving crops and farm animals as … Read more DMPQ- Highlight the recommendations of Swwaminathan Commission mentioning bioresources for their nutrition and livelihood security of Rural India.

DMPQ- Mention the Civil society’s functional contribution to good governance.

Civil society’s functional contribution to good governance could be: Watchdog — against violation of human rights and governing deficiencies. Advocate — of the weaker sections’ point of view. Agitator — on behalf of aggrieved citizens. Educator — of citizens on their rights, entitlements and responsibilities and the government about the pulse of the people. Service … Read more DMPQ- Mention the Civil society’s functional contribution to good governance.

DMPQ- What are the key functions of DAPCU (District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit)?

The key functions of DAPCUS are: DAPCUs, through active engagement of the district administration mobilise response from allied line departments and private sector in mainstreaming the programme. Initiates evidence based district-specific initiatives by leveraging local resources. Facilitates in linking vulnerable population with various social entitlement and welfare schemes under the mechanism of DAPCU led single … Read more DMPQ- What are the key functions of DAPCU (District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit)?

DMPQ- Write an essay on the Scheduled Caste population composition of India.

Scheduled Castes are notified in 31 States/UTs of India and there are altogether 1,241 individual ethnic groups, etc. notified as Scheduled Castes in different States/UTs. There has been some changes in the List of SCs/STs in States/ UTs during the last decade. As per the 2011 Census of India, there are around 201.4 million SCs … Read more DMPQ- Write an essay on the Scheduled Caste population composition of India.

DMPQ- Highlight the Judicial Reforms by Lord Cornwallis in British India.

Judicial Reforms Cornwallis introduced some significant reforms in the sphere of judicial administration and tried to complete the unfinished work of Warren Hastings. During his period number of revenue districts was reduced from 35 to 23 in the Presidency of Bengal. The collector was the head of the district. In 1787 district courts were presided … Read more DMPQ- Highlight the Judicial Reforms by Lord Cornwallis in British India.