DMPQ-. Explain the routes of foreign direct investment in organized retail sector. Also mention the benefits of FDI in retail sector.

. Foreign Direct Investment in organized retail is yet another area shrouded in controversy.  What is organized retail? Let us define retail first, it is household requirement of the people  comprising of food and grocery, clothing, convenience, consumer goods, etc. Secondly,  organized retailing is selling of these household commonly used goods to the people  directly, … Read more DMPQ-. Explain the routes of foreign direct investment in organized retail sector. Also mention the benefits of FDI in retail sector.

DMPQ-Critically evaluate India’s export sector performance in last two decades.

The significant openness which started becoming visible in the nineties intensified from  2000 onwards with a sharp focus given through the FTP has resulted in a reversal of the  declining trend in global trade. However, the growth of the Indian economy in recent  times has outpaced the trade growth or that trade growth has lagged … Read more DMPQ-Critically evaluate India’s export sector performance in last two decades.

DMPQ- Explain the mission and objectives of India’s Intellectual property rights(IPR) policy 2016.

The National IPR Policy is a vision document that aims to create and exploit synergies  between all forms of intellectual property (IP), concerned statutes and agencies. It sets in  place an institutional mechanism for implementation, monitoring and review. Mission Statement Stimulate a dynamic, vibrant and balanced intellectual property rights system in India to: foster creativity … Read more DMPQ- Explain the mission and objectives of India’s Intellectual property rights(IPR) policy 2016.

DMPQ- How ‘Make in India’ Programme has made progress in India’s manufacturing sector ?

The Make in India initiative has been built on layers of collaborative effort of DIPP,  acting as a backbone with Union Ministers, Secretaries to the Government of India, state  governments, industry leaders, and various knowledge partners to debate and formulate an  action plan for the next three years, aimed at raising the contribution of the … Read more DMPQ- How ‘Make in India’ Programme has made progress in India’s manufacturing sector ?

DMPQ- What is ULIP (Unit-linked insurance plans) ? How does it links insurance companies with stock markets?

In recent times, there has been an increased preference of mutual fund companies as well  as insurance companies to combine the investments in stock markets with life insurance  plans, Subscribe on YouTube known as ULIPs. This need has arisen as there is very low penetration of life  insurance in India or lack of awareness of … Read more DMPQ- What is ULIP (Unit-linked insurance plans) ? How does it links insurance companies with stock markets?

DMPQ- What is the role of SEBI (Securities exchange beuro of India) in order to regulate Capital market of India ?

All such issuances in Subscribe on YouTube terms of quantum to be raised, pricing is left to the company,  however, regulated by the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) which has the  following objectives: To ensure that all companies accessing the primary market are making complete disclosures Join Our Telegram Channel about their company and … Read more DMPQ- What is the role of SEBI (Securities exchange beuro of India) in order to regulate Capital market of India ?

DMPQ- What are the major objectives of Gold monetization scheme? How it’s going to benefit india’s financial situation?

The Gold Monetization Scheme is a welcome step initiated by the Government of India to  unlock the unused and idle gold lying in households and institutions and bring them into  mainstream and release the capital locked in for use in the economy for its development.  The key objectives of this scheme are stated as under: … Read more DMPQ- What are the major objectives of Gold monetization scheme? How it’s going to benefit india’s financial situation?

DMPQ- Discuss the various quantitative and qualitative measures implemented by RBI to manage liquidity in market.

RBI thus has certain quantitative and qualitative tools through which it manages  liquidity and they are as follows: Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) Every bank has to retain a certain percentage of its  demands and time liabilities in cash with the RBI which can be raised by the RBI to  drain out excess liquidity or reduced … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the various quantitative and qualitative measures implemented by RBI to manage liquidity in market.

DMPQ- Throw light on some of other forms of budgeting in India.

Zero-Based Budgeting – ZBB This is a method of budgeting in which all expenses must be justified for each financial  year. The process of this budgeting starts from a “zero base,” on every financial year. Every  function within the ministry or department is analyzed for its needs and costs. Budget  allocations are then made according … Read more DMPQ- Throw light on some of other forms of budgeting in India.

DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Fiscal policy in India ?

The government does not perform any business so it cannot earn money to spend. Hence,  the government has to raise the money from the economy to enable it to spend that  money in terms of requirements and national priorities. The government raises money  primarily through ‘taxes’ and the spending known as ‘public expenditure’. A policy … Read more DMPQ- What are the main objectives of Fiscal policy in India ?

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