The Chandelas

 Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Yashovarman, also known as Lakshavarman, was a king of the Chandela dynasty of India. He ruled in the Jejakabhukti region (Bundelkhand in present-day Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh). The Khajuraho inscription also states that Yashovarman turned the rivers Ganga and Yamuna into his "pleasure-lakes", and that the waters of these rivers became muddy when his might elephants bathed in … Read more The Chandelas

Monuments And Conservation

 Museums and Archives in Karnataka; Preservation and protection of historical monuments – work of Archaeological Survey of India – World Heritage Sites in Karnataka. The concept of museums in India may be traced back to the historic times, in which references to the chitrasala (picture gallery) do occur. The earliest necessity to house objects of … Read more Monuments And Conservation

The Kushana Dynasty

 Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Under the rule of Kanishka, the Kushana empire reached its maximum territorial limits. This empire extended from the Central Asia to the northern India, while including Varanasi, Kaushambi and Sravasti in Uttar Pradesh region. The Kushanas patronized the Gandhara and the Mathura schools of sculptural art which are known for producing … Read more The Kushana Dynasty

The Vedas For All

 – The Casteless society The Sanatana Dharma during Vedic era had never endorsed caste system. Thus restoration of true Sanatana Dharma alone would create a casteless society in India. The caste is always a British invention which enumerated based on occupation. But true definition of 'Jaati' as per Veda is completely different from what … Read more The Vedas For All

Tribal Problems

 : Isolation Migration and Acculturation Various Problems of Tribal Communities in India As per the dictionary, problem means a question to be considered, solved, or answered in a particular way, difficult to deal or control. Social problems are those social conditions identified by scientific inquiry and values as detrimental to human well-being." Jerome G. … Read more Tribal Problems

Nanda Dynasty

 , family that ruled Magadha, in northern India, between c. 343 and 321 BCE. The immediately preceded the dynasty of the Mauryas, and, as with all pre-Maurya dynasties, what is known about it is a mixture of fact and legend. Indigenous traditions, both Brahmanical and Jaina, suggest that the founder of the dynasty, Mahapadma … Read more Nanda Dynasty

Kingdom Of Vijaynagar

                                                      The kingdom of Vijaynagar founded by two brothers, Harihar and Bukka, on the south bank of the River Tungabhadra in 1336 AD. According to the legends, they had been the feudatories of the Kakatiyas of Warangal. Later they became ministers in the kingdom of Kampili. After the destruction of Kampili kingdom by … Read more Kingdom Of Vijaynagar


 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION AND THE EMERGENCE OF CAPITALISM   The Industrial Revolution refers to the greatly increased output of machine-made goods that began in England during the 18th century. Before the Industrial Revolution, people wove textiles by hand. Beginning in the middle 1700s, machines did this and other jobs as well. The Industrial Revolution started … Read more INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION AND THE EMERGENCE OF CAPITALISM

Ancient Kingdom

   Rajrishitulya kul Rajrishitulya kul dynasty ruled over the south Kaushal. They ruled from 5th to 6th century AD. From the bronze inscription it is known that they followed Gupt samvata. This shows that accepted the supremacy of the Gupta Dynasty. There are six known rulers of the Rajrishikulya Dynasty. They are all follows: … Read more Ancient Kingdom

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