Various investment models which have emerged in recent times especially in post-reforms and also from experiences of emerging marker economies (EMEs). These models are not alternates to each other but are only variants of investment models.
The policy support will require well-drafted ‘futuristic policies’ in different areas especially in the areas of ‘pricing and tax matters’. These are the areas of grave concerns affecting investment in the economy. Pricing should be such to induce investment and also at the same time protect the interest of the ultimate consumers. Ar the same rime, it should also be ensured that the pricing is competitive. Similarly, there should be ‘certainty’ of taxes, unambiguous and provide comfort that they would not be applicable retrospectively, unless warranted in exceptional circumstances and that too it should be on a case-to-case basis. Policies should be like goal posts, which are firmly entrenched and visible to all.
procedures but looking at them positively. It is about giving speedy clearances through single window approach both at the central as well as state government level. Partnership approach is not to ‘prevent but to allow’ or finding a way of getting things performed but within the policy framework. It is not short circuiting of laid down.
Enabling environment lies in creating the infrastructure around which such investment can
64S117.2 64 74.6 75.5c-23.5 6.3-42 24.9-48.3 48.6-11.4 42.9-11.4 132.3-11.4 132.3s0 89.4 11.4 132.3c6.3 23.7 24.8 41.5 48.3 47.8C117.2 448 288 448 288 448s170.8 0 213.4-11.5c23.5-6.3 42-24.2 48.3-47.8 11.4-42.9 11.4-132.3 11.4-132.3s0-89.4-11.4-132.3zm-317.5 213.5V175.2l142.7 81.2-142.7 81.2z"/> Subscribe on YouTube