UKPCS Mains Paper II Notes-Indian History, Culture and National Movement

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Indian History

Pre- historic period :- Races and culture.
Proto-historic period :- Early Stone Age- Hunters and Gatherers; Mesolithic Period- Food producers.
Copper Age :- Farming Culture, Settlements, Copper hoards, Ochre Coloured Pottery.
Bronze Age Civilization- Harappan Civilization-Geographical Expansion, Town Planning Construction and Drainage system. Political System, Social, Economic and Religious life etc.
Vedic Civilization:- Rigvedic Age- Political, Social, Economic and Religious life,
Later Vedic Period- Political, Social, Economic Religious and Cultural life, Age of Epic and Dharma Shastras; Religious Movements in 6th century B.C: Jainism, Buddhism and other sects.
Mahajanapadas and rise of Magadhan Empire, Persian and Greek invasion: Persian invasion; Alexander, the Great and his legacy.
Mauryan Empire :- Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusar, Ashoka and his Dhamma;
Decline of Mauryan Empire; Political, Social, Economic, and Cultural life etc. in Mauryan period.
Post Mauryan period- Political, Social, Economic, Religious and Cultural life during Kushanas ,Saka, Pahlava, Vakataka and Satavahana Rule.
Gupta Dynasty :- Chandragupta I, Samudragupta, Chandragupta II, Skandagupta; Later Gupta rulers and decline of Gupta Dynasty; Political, Social, Economic Religious and Cultural life during Gupta period,

Post-Gupta Period: Harshvardhan and his times; Pal, Pratihara, Rashtrakuta, Chola,Chalukya, Pallava Chandel, Paramar, Gaharwad, Chauhan,Post-Gupta Period: Political, Social,Economic Religious and Cultural life.

Advent of Islam in India, Arab invasion of Sindh,Turk invasion of India, Establishment of Delhi Sultanate :- Qutubuddin Aibak, Iltutmish,Razia: Nature of early Turkish rule; Balban: theory of Kingship and Judicial System.
Khalji dynasty : Jalaluddin Khalji, Alauddin Khalji-Expansion of Sultanate, Administration, reforms, Military reforms, Economic Reforms.
Tughlaq Dynasty : Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq- Political and administrative experiments, Feroze Shah Tughlaq; Mongol invasion and its impact. Disintegration of Delhi Sultanate, First Afghan Empire, Rise of independent Muslim states in northern India- Sharqis of Jaunpur ; Kashmir – Sultan Sikander and Sultan Zainnul Abidin, States of Malwa,Bengal, Gujarat and other States.
Socio- religious movements : Sufism and Bhakti movements.
Southern India : Sangam Age, Yadavas of Deogiri, Kakatiyas of Warangal, Hoysals of Dwarsamudra and Pandyas of Madurai. Chola dynasty. Political, Social, Economic, Religious and Cultural life.
Vijayanagar and Bahmani Empire-Political Social, Eonomic, Religions and Cultural life, Political, Social, Economical and Cultural life of Delhi Sultanate.
Establishment of Mughal Empire :- Babar, Humayun, Shershah Suri,Akbar, Jahangir Shahjahan, Aurangzeb. Later Mughals and fall of Mughal Empire, Bahadur Shah Zafar Mughal administration ; Social, Economic Religious life; Art and Culture.
Rise of Maratha power :- Shivaji and his administration, Rise of Peshwas :
Bundelas, Sikhs, Jats and Satnamis.

Advent and expansion of European powers in India :- Portuguese, Dutch, French and British.
Anglo French rivalry and Carnatic Wars.
Colonization : East India Company and Bengal, Nawab- Sirajuddaula, Battle of Plassey, Mir Jafar, Mir Quasim,Battle of Buxar, Dual Government in Bengal, Second Governorship of Lord Clive
Society and Economy during 18th Century : Expansion and Consolidation of British Power in India-Warren Hastings, Lord Cornwallis,Lord Wellesley, Lord Hastings, Lord William Bentinck, Lord Ellenborough and annexation of Sindh,Lord Auckland First Afghan war.
Indian States and the British – Mysore, Punjab, Avadh, Hyderabad and Maratha : Lord Dalhousie.
Structure of Government and economic policies of British Empire in India (1757- 1857) : Administrative organization, Social and Cultural policies. Socio-religious reform movements in the 19th century : Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Theosophical Society etc.
Opposition to British rule :- Tribal and non – military revolts, popular movements and military revolts between 1757 and 1856. Revolt of 1857 – causes, nature, expansion, consequences and failure.
Administrative changes after 1858, Economic Impact

of British rule. Impact of Industrialization on Indian economy.
Indian National Movement :- Growth of Indian Nationalism: Rise of Nationalism in India, Predecessors of Indian National Congress. Indian National Congress-origin. Moderates and Extremists in the Congress; Partition of Bengal (1905), Swadeshi Movement (1905), Establishment of Muslim league (1906) ; Surat Session and first split in the Congress (1907)Morley -Minto reforms (1909) First world war and National movement :- Home Rule movement Lucknow Pact (1916), Champaran, Kheda Satyagraha (1917). Gandhian era: National Movement (1919-1927) Montague Chelmsford Reforms (1919), Rowlatt Act (1919), Jallianwalabagh Massacre, Khilafat and Non Cooperation Movements (1919-1922), Chauri-Chaura episode (1922).Swaraj Party and Simon Commission (1927). Revolutionary movements in India and abroad. National Movement (1927-1947) :- Boycott of Simon Commission, Nehru Report, Lahore Session of Congress (1929), Press and National Movement. Poorna Swaraj, Civil Disobedience Movement. First Round Table conference, Gandhi – Irwin Second Round Table Conference; Second Phase of Civil Disobedience Movement, Communal Award, Third Round Table Conference, Poona Pact, B. R. Ambedkar and
Dalit reform movements.
Nationalist Polities (1935-39) :- Government of India Act 1935, Congress ministries, Growth of Socialist, Communist, Capitalist ideas, their forms and effect on the society.Peasant and workers movements.
Congress and World affairs, Resignation of Congress Ministries, Subhash Chandra bose and Azad Hind Fauj (I.N.A.), Growth of communalism and demand for Pakistan.
National Movement during Second World War :- August Resolution, Individual Civil Dis-obedience Movement, Cripps Mission, Quit India Movement, C.R. Das Formula, Gandhi-Jinnah Talk, Bhoola Bhai Desai – Liyaquat Ali Pact, Wavell Plan and Simla Conference, Provincial and General elections, Cabinet Mission Plan, Indian National Army, Direct Action Day, Interim Government, Mountbatten Plan, Indian Independence Act 1947.Communal riots and Partition of India.

India after Independence

Constituent Assembly and drafting of Indian Constitution.
Five-Year Plans, Nationalisation of Banks, Abolition of Privy Purses, J.P. (Jai Prakash Narayan) Movement, Emergency, Era of Coalition Goverments,Internal insurgency.
Foreign Policy :- Panchsheel, War between Indo-China and Indo-Pak,Non Aligned movement, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).

History and Culture of Uttarakhand

Prehistoric period, Proto-historic period, Ancient tribes of Uttarakhand, Kunindas and Yaudheyas, Katyuri dynasty, Parmar dynasty in Garhwal- Rule, Administration, Society, Economy, Chand dynasty of Kumaon- Rule, Administration, Society, Economy, Gorkha invasion and rule in Uttarakhand, Religion and Culture in Uttarakhand.
British Rule in Uttarakhand :- Administrative System, Social reforms, Economy, Education and Health, Growth of Vernacular Press in Uttarakhand, Tehri Estate- Rule, Administration, Society, Economy, Religion and Culture, Uttarakhand and National Movement, Prominent Freedom Fighters of Uttarakhand, Independence and merger of the state of Tehri.
Popular Movements of Uttarakhand :- Coolie- Begar Movement,unrest against Tehri State, Dola Palki Movement, Chipko Movement, Anti-Liquor Movement, Saints and Social Reformers of Uttarakhand, Movement for separate State of Uttarakhand : Its immediate and far reaching consequences, Religious places and temples of Uttarakhand, important archaeological sites of Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand’s major social, cultural and religious, Fairs, Festivals and tours, Sites of cultural significance, Major songs and dances of Uttarakhand, musical instruments, paintings, costumes and habits, dialects, Prominent folk singers and theatre artists of Uttarakhand, craft, food and trade of Uttarakhand, Growth of Education in Uttarakhand. industry

FAQs on UKPCS Mains Paper II Notes-Indian History, Culture and National Movement of Uttarakhand

What are the key topics to cover in Indian History for UKPCS Mains Paper II?

The key topics in Indian History for UKPCS Mains Paper II include:

  • Ancient India: Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Period, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, etc.
  • Medieval India: Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, Regional Kingdoms, Bhakti and Sufi Movements.
  • Modern India: British Colonial Rule, Social and Religious Reform Movements, Revolt of 1857, Indian National Movement, Independence and Partition.

What should be the focus of the National Movement of Uttarakhand in Paper II?

The focus of the National Movement of Uttarakhand in Paper II should be on:

  • Early Movements: Role of local leaders and organizations in the freedom struggle.
  • Peasant Movements: Tehri Riyasat Praja Mandal Movement, Kumaon Parishad Movement.
  • Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movements: Participation of Uttarakhand in these national movements.
  • Chipko Movement: A unique environmental movement that originated in Uttarakhand.

How can I prepare notes for Uttarakhand’s Culture in Paper II?

To prepare notes for Uttarakhand’s culture in Paper II, focus on:

  • Folk Traditions: Folk songs, dances, music, festivals, and fairs.
  • Art and Craft: Paintings, sculptures, wood carving, and handicrafts.
  • Cuisine: Traditional food and local delicacies.
  • Language and Literature: Major dialects, folk literature, and contemporary writers.
  • Religious Practices: Temples, shrines, and pilgrimage sites.

Are there any specific books or resources to refer to for this section?

Yes, some recommended books and resources are:

  • History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra
  • India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra
  • History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
  • Uttarakhand: Historical and Political Perspectives by Shekhar Pathak
  • Uttarakhand Through the Ages by Badri Datt Pandey
  • Uttarakhand Ek Parichaya (Hindi) by Uttarakhand Granth Academy

How should I approach answer writing for this section in the Mains exam?

For effective answer writing in the Mains exam:

  • Understand the Question: Analyze the question carefully to identify the key demand.
  • Structure Your Answer: Divide your answer into introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Provide Relevant Content: Include specific details, examples, and facts.
  • Write in Clear and Concise Language: Avoid jargon and use simple language.
  • Interlink Topics: Connect different topics and show their interrelation.


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