- Uttarakhand History : Role of uttarakhand in national moments
- The people of Uttarakhand played a vital role in India’s freedom struggle. From the first war of independence of 1857 to Indian independence, they participated in every sphere of movement. Kalu singh Mehra was known as first freedom fighter of Uttarakhand. They made a secret organisation “Krantiveer” in 1857 at besung champavat and carried struggle against British. Debating Club was setup in 1870 at Almora which propagated freedom awareness sentiment among people. Jawala Dutt Joshi participated in 2nd congress session in 1886 at calcutta. Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant entered in 20th centuary in freedom movement and organised Happy club in 1903. Almora congress was setup in 1912 to propagate political awareness. Victor Mohan Joshi, Badrinath Panday, Chiranzi lal and Hemchandra started Home rule league movement in the state in 1914. In 1916, Kumao parishad was organised by Govind Ballabh Pant, Hargovind Dutt and Badri Dutt Panday which spreaded movement such as Kuli Begar, Kuli Uttar, Jangal Jatt law and Bandobast syatem. This parishad was merged with congress in 1926. Gharwal congress committee was organised by Barister Mukundi lal and Ansuiya Prasad Bahuguna. They also participated in Amritsar congress session in 1919.
- Jyotiram kandpal, Bharav dutt Joshi and Gorkhaveer karang Bahadur particiapated in Dandi March with Gandhiji. Vimla, janki, Bagirati, Shakuntala, Savitri and Padma Joshi were active in salt satyagarh. Tiranga flag hoisted in the leadership of Vishni Devi Saha on municiple house in Almora. Malti Devi setup Desh Sewak Sangathan about quit India movement. Sarla Ben setup Laxmi Ashram in 1941 in kosani and MIra Ben setup Pashulok in Rishikesh. Newspapers and magazine also played important role. Almora Newspaper was started in kumao language in 1871. Badri Dutt Panday was an editor of this newspaper. He also published a Magazine Sakti in 1918. Gharwali was published by Vishamber Dutt chandola in 1905. Karambhumi was published by Baktdarshan and bharavdutt from Lansdown in 1939. Yugvani was published from Dehradun in 1941.INTERNATIONAL
- Earth Day 2019: 22 April
- Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22.
- Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
- It was first celebrated in 1970, now this event includes events in more than 193 countries.
- Theme: ‘Protect Our Species’
- UAE adopts National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031
- The UAE Cabinet has adopted the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031.
- Its aims at positioning the UAE as a global leader in artificial intelligence by 2031 and to develop an integrated system that employs artificial intelligence in vital areas in the country.
- The strategy includes eight objectives and a number of initiatives, aimed at employing artificial intelligence in vital areas such as education, government services and the community wellbeing.
- India drops down on World Press Freedom Index
- India has dropped two places on a global press freedom index to be ranked 140th out of 180 countries in the annual Reporters Without Borders analysis.
- The index is an indicator of how hatred of journalists has degenerated into violence in countries across the world.
- Six Indian journalists were reportedly killed in the year 2018 owing to their work.
- Norway is ranked first in the 2019 Index for the third year running while Finland has taken the second place.
- India to stop importing crude from Iran
- The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gashas taken steps necessary steps to end the imports from Iran, as the United States refused to extend the sanctions waiver for India to import crude from Iran. Earlier, India has urged the US to restore the sanction waivers it has decided to not to proceed with the purchase as the oil trade cannot happen in anticipation.
- Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has stated that a robust plan for an adequate supply of crude oil to Indian refineries is in place. It also said that the shortfall will be met through alternate supply sources available in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, IJAE and Mexico.
- India is the world’s third-biggest oil consumer. It meets more than80% of its oil needs through imports. In 2017-18, Iran was India’s third-largest supplier after Iraq and Saudi Arabia and about 10% of total needs were met throughimports from Iran. India can avail optional volumes from a number of suppliers which it can exercise to make up for any shortfall from Iran. India also plans to avail the route of spot market to source crude. But the cause of concern is more related to prices in India.
- When President Trump had first pulled out of the nuclear deal, oil shot up to over $85 a barrel and it fell to near USD 50 after the US administration unexpectedly granted the waivers.
- Civil Services Day: 21 April
- The Civil Service Day is celebrated on 21 April every year.
- The purpose of this day is to rededicate and recommit themselves to the cause of the people.
- On this occasion, all officers of Central and State Governments are honoured for excellence in public administration by the Prime Minister of India.
- Issue of Rs 200, Rs 500 banknotes bearing signature of Governor Shaktikanta Das
- New notes for Rs 200 and Rs 500 will be soon issued by the Reserve Bank of Indiain Mahatma Gandhi (New) series.
- With the signature of the current RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, the new notes will be similar to previous Rs 200 and Rs 500 notes.
- The past notes of these denominations issued by the central bank will continue to be legal tender.
- The Reserve Bank of India will shortly issue₹ 200 denomination Banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series bearing the signature of Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor.
- RBI to issue new Rs 20 denomination banknotes
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will soon release new banknotes of Rs 20 denomination in the Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series.
- It will bear the signature of RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das.
- The new denomination has the motif of the Ellora Caves on the reverse.
- The base colour of the note is greenish yellow.
- All the banknotes in the denomination of Rs 20 issued by the RBI in the earlier series will continue to be legal tender.
- The dimension of the new Rs 20 note will be 63 mm x 129 mm.
Gk bit: Indian Currency
- In terms of Section 25 of RBI Act, 1934 the design of banknotes is required to be approved by the Central Government on the recommendations of the Central Board of the Reserve Bank of India. The responsibility for coinage vests with the Government of India on the basis of the Coinage Act, 2011 as amended from time to time.
- There are fifteen languages appearing in the language panel of banknotes in addition to Hindi prominently displayed in the centre of the note and English on the reverse of the banknote.
- The Reserve Bank presently manages the currency operations through its 19 Issue offices located at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Belapur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi, Patna, Thiruvananthapuram, a currency chest at Kochi and a wide network of currency chests.