Classification involves putting things into a class or group according to particular characteristics so it’s easier to make sense of them, whether you’re organizing your shoes, your stock portfolio, or a group of invertebrates.  From all competitive examination classification is one of the most important topics, this pattern come with lot of questions minimum they … Read more CLASSIFICATION LEVEL 1


  This module will teach you the basics of direct and indirect proportions. These concepts will further help you in time and work questions. Important Formulas – chain rule Direct Proportion Two quantities are said to be directly proportional, if on the increase or decrease of the one, the other increases or decreases the same … Read more CHAIN RULE


  Boat and stream problems is a sub-set of time, speed and distance type questions where in relative speed takes the foremost role. We always find several questions related to the above concept in SSC common graduate level exam as well as in bank PO exam. Upon listing the brief theory of the issue below … Read more BOAT AND STREAM


  When you draw an analogy between two things we compare them for the purpose of explanation. If a scientist says that earth’s forest functions as human lungs then we instantly draw an explanation that both lungs and trees intake important elements from air. As far as SSC exam is concerned this is one of … Read more ANALOGY LEVEL 1

Inflation & Control Mechanism

inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services.It is the percentage change in the value of the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) on a year-on year basis. It effectively … Read more Inflation & Control Mechanism

Monetary Policies

Monetary policy is the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money, often targeting an inflation rate or interest rate to ensure price stability and general trust in the currency. Objectives of Monetary Policies are:-  Accelerated growth of the economy Balancing saving and investments Exchange rate stabilization Price stability Employment … Read more Monetary Policies


Current Status It is the largest and fastest growing sector globally contributing to the global output and employing more people than any other sector Why has services sector grown? Increase in urbanisation, privatisation and more demand for intermediate and final consumer services Availability of quality services is vital for the well being of the economy … Read more Services

Indian Agriculture

  Mainstay of Indian Economy Since independence, undergone a change from being the sector contributing the highest share to the GDP to one contributing the lowest share. Agriculture is a state subject. GDP contribution (Agriculture and allied sector) 5 pc in 1950-51 7 pc in 2008-09 and 14.6 pc in 2009-10. It was 19 pc in … Read more Indian Agriculture

Agricultural Crops of India

  Crop State Prod Prod Yield Rainfall Temp Soil % (Mil Kg/Ha cm Deg C T) Rice W. Bengal 15 87 1900 125-200 cm >23 C Deep Fertile UP 14 Clayey or loamy Andhra Pr 13 soil Punjab 11 Wheat UP 35 74 2700 80 cm 10-25 C Light loam   Punjab 20 Sandy Loam … Read more Agricultural Crops of India


Three Geological divisions: The peninsular block The Himalayas and other Peninsular Mountains Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain   Peninsualar block is made of gneisses (metamorphic) and granites (igneous). Six physiographic divisions: The Northern and North-eastern Mountains The Northern Plain The Peninsular Plateau The Indian Desert The Coastal Plains The Islands Northern and North-Eastern Mountains Approximate length of the … Read more Landforms

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