India and World Geography

World Geography : Definition and Major concepts of Geography, Solar System, Spherical Coordinates & Projections,Time, Earth’s Rotation and Revolution, Lunar eclipse, Solar eclipse, Isothermic Lines, etc.
Lithosphere : Origin of Continents & OceansContinental Drift theory, Convectional Current theory and Plate Tectonic theory,

Types of Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Lakes and Rocks, Drainage Pattern, Agents of Denudation- River, Wind, Glacier, etc.
Atmosphere :Composition and Structure, Insolation, Heat- budget, Humidity and Precipitation, Pressure and Wind Belts, etc.
Hydrosphere : Oceans – Bottom Relief, Currents, Tides, Temperature and Salinity, Hydrological Cycle, etc.
Geographical Phenomena : Earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, Monsoon, El-Nino effect and cyclones, Natural Hazards and Disasters, etc.
Distribution of natural resources : World Distribution of natural resources – Forests, Iron ore, Bauxite, Coal, Petroleum, Hydel Power, Atomic Power Non-Conventional Energy Sources, etc.
Agriculture : Agricultural Location, Agricultural Types, Agricultural Regions, etc.
Industries : Factors of Localization, Textile, Iron and Steel, Cement, Sugar Industries, etc.
Population : Growth, Distribution, Density, Sex-Ratio, Migration, Health, Urbanization, etc.
Main Tribes : Eskimo, Pigmy,Bushmen, Kirgiz, etc.
Transportation : Trans-Siberian railway, Canadian National, Canadian pacific, Cape of of Good Hope water way, etc.
Environment: Concept of Ecology and Ecosystem, Bio-diversity – Types and Depletion,
Pollution- Air and Water, Global Warming and Ozone Depletion, Concept of Sustainable Development, etc.
World Trade : Trade and Economic Groups – World Trade Organization (WTO), European Economic Community (EEC), Brazil – Russia – India – China – South Africa (BRICS), South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC), etc.


Geography of India: Location, Extent and Federal Structure, Geological structure, Relief, Climate, Drainage system, Vegetation, Soils, Water Resource, Resource Scarcity, Energy Crisis , etc.
Environmental Degradation and Conservation : Air, Water, Soil, etc.
Minerals : Distribution and Production of Iron-ore, Coal, Petroleum etc.
Agriculture : Wheat, Rice, Millet, Tea, Coffee and Rubber, Agro-Climatic Regions,Agricultural Revolutions, etc.
Industry : Location, Production and Trade of Cotton Textile, Cement, Paper, Sugar, Chemical, etc.
Population : Regional Pattern of Growth, Distribution, Density, Literacy, Sex-ratio, Rural- urban structure, etc.
Transport : Railways, Highways, Airways and Water ways and their role in regional development, etc.
Tribes : Habitat, Economy and Society of Gonds, Bhils,Santhals, Nagas, etc and Trends of their Transformation.


Geography of Uttarakhand : Location, Extent and Strategic Importance, Structure and Relief, Climatic Characteristics, Drainage system, Natural Vegetation, Mining and Quarrying, Soils, etc, Agriculture and irrigation, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Storage and Marketing of Farm Products, Tourism – Problems and Prospects, Population, distribution,Density, Sex Raito, Migration, Health, Urbanization and Urban Centres, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes (Bhotia, Tharu, Jaunsari, Buksa and Van-Raji etc), Transport Network, Industrial development and Major Hydel Projects.
Environment and Forests movement – Wild Life, National Parks and Sanctuaries, Natural
Hazards and Disaster Management, Chipko Movement and Maiti Movement, etc.


FAQs on Paper-India and World Geography of Uttarakhand

What are the main topics covered in this paper?

The paper covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Physical Geography of India and the World: This includes landforms, climate, drainage systems, natural vegetation, and soils.
  • Human Geography of India and the World: This encompasses population, settlements, urbanization, migration patterns, and economic activities.
  • Environmental Geography: This covers natural hazards, environmental degradation, and conservation efforts in India and globally.
  • Geography of Uttarakhand: This focuses on the physical, human, and economic aspects specific to the state of Uttarakhand.

Is there a specific focus on Uttarakhand in this paper?

Absolutely! While the paper covers both Indian and World Geography, a significant portion is dedicated to Uttarakhand’s geography. This includes its unique physical features, diverse climate zones, natural resources, demographic trends, and economic activities.

What types of questions can I expect?

You can expect a variety of questions, including:

  • Conceptual Questions: These assess your understanding of fundamental geographical concepts.
  • Analytical Questions: These require you to analyze geographical data and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Map-Based Questions: These evaluate your ability to interpret and analyze maps effectively.
  • Current Affairs Questions: These test your knowledge of recent developments and events in the field of geography.

Are current affairs important for this paper?

Yes, staying updated on current affairs related to geography is crucial for this paper. This includes recent natural disasters, environmental issues, policy changes, and developments in land use patterns in both India and the world.

What are some recommended resources for preparing for this paper?

Here are some recommended resources:

  • Standard Textbooks: Refer to textbooks on Indian and World geography, with a special focus on Uttarakhand.
  • Atlases: Utilize atlases to understand maps and the spatial distribution of various geographical phenomena.
  • Newspapers and Magazines: Regularly read newspapers and magazines to stay updated on current affairs related to geography.
  • Government Reports and Websites: Access government reports and websites for official information on geographical data and policies.
  • Previous Year Question Papers: Solve previous year’s question papers to understand the exam pattern and types of questions asked.

How much time should I allocate for preparing for this paper?

The preparation time varies

depending on your existing knowledge and understanding of the topics. However, it’s recommended to start preparing well in advance and dedicate sufficient time for revision, especially for map-based questions.

Are there any specific tips for tackling this paper?

A: Here are some tips:

  • Thoroughly Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the syllabus to focus your preparation on the relevant topics.
  • Regularly Practice Map Work: Practice map interpretation and analysis to strengthen your map-related skills.
  • Make Concise Notes: Summarize important points for quick revision.
  • Practice Answer Writing: Regularly practice answer writing to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Stay Calm and Focused: During the exam, read the questions carefully and manage your time effectively.


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