Plants and mankind, characteristics of plants, structure and function of plant cells and organelles;

  Objects having characteristics of cellular organization, growth, reproduction, ability to sense environment and give response are living organisms. There are some important features of living organisms: It should grow, which means its structure changes as time goes by in an advantageous manner. It should show adaptation to the environment. It should maintain some balanced … Read more Plants and mankind, characteristics of plants, structure and function of plant cells and organelles;


DNA: STRUCTURE  DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria … Read more DNA and RNA

Ethical, social, legal and IPR (intellectual property rights) issues related to biotechnological development.

Biotechnology through Genetic engineering has made food crops more resistant to disease, but the mere act of modification of the naturally selected food crops may actually disturb the delicate balance of biodiversity which exists in nature causing a disturbance to the natural balance. The production of GMOs has negative impacts on the natural ecosystem which … Read more Ethical, social, legal and IPR (intellectual property rights) issues related to biotechnological development.

Biotechnology: Introduction of Biotechnology, its potential to improve human life and national economy through agriculture (biofertilizers, biopesticides, biofuels, genetically modified crops), industrial development and employment generation. Areas of application -pharmaceuticals, human healthcare, food technology, energy generation etc.

Biotechnology is defined as the industrial application of living organisms and their biological processes such as biochemistry, microbiology, and genetic engineering, in order to make best use of the microorganisms for the benefit of mankind. Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry, … Read more Biotechnology: Introduction of Biotechnology, its potential to improve human life and national economy through agriculture (biofertilizers, biopesticides, biofuels, genetically modified crops), industrial development and employment generation. Areas of application -pharmaceuticals, human healthcare, food technology, energy generation etc.

Types of pollution and their management; air, water, soil, sound/noise, radioactive and e-waste. Industrial waste and its management. Impact of Solid Waste Management, recycling and reuse,

ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION defined as ‘an addition or excessive addition of certain materials to the physical environment (water, air and lands), making it less fit or unfit for life’. Pollutants are the materials or factors, which cause adverse effect on the natural quality of any component of the environment. Classifications 1. According to the form in … Read more Types of pollution and their management; air, water, soil, sound/noise, radioactive and e-waste. Industrial waste and its management. Impact of Solid Waste Management, recycling and reuse,

Social Legislations for the protection and welfare of Children, Women and Minorities, etc.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 already covered now Sexual Harassment the workplace Sexual harassment at the workplace has been one of the central concerns of the women‘s movement in India since the ‘80s. In 1997, the Supreme Court passed a landmark judgment in the Vishakha case laying down guidelines to be followed by … Read more Social Legislations for the protection and welfare of Children, Women and Minorities, etc.

sex-linked inheritance

  The chromosomes present in the diploid cells of the majority of the sexually reproducing animals are of two types: autosomes bearing genes for somatic characters and sex chromosomes bearing genes for sex.  Sex chromosomes also carry some genes for non-sexual characters such as colour blindness and haemophilia.  Such genes which are always associated with … Read more sex-linked inheritance

sex determination

Whether an animal will become a male, a female, or a hermaphrodite is determined very early in development. Scientists have worked for hundreds of years to understand the sex-determination system. The first major breakthrough in understanding sex determination was the discovery of sex chromosomes in the early 1900s. From meticulous analyses of male and female … Read more sex determination


There is vast diversity of living organisms. The chemical compositon and metabolic reactions of the organisms appear to be similar. The composition of living tissues and non-living matter also appear to be similar in qualitative analysis.Closer analysis reveals that the relative abundance of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen is higher in living system.  All forms of … Read more BIOMOLECULES

Structure and function of animal cell and cell organelles

  Objects having characteristics of cellular organization, growth, reproduction, ability to sense environment and give response are living organisms. There are some important features of living organisms: It should grow, which means its structure changes as time goes by in an advantageous manner. It should show adaptation to the environment. It should maintain some balanced … Read more Structure and function of animal cell and cell organelles

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