DMPQ- What are Submarine Canyons

These are steep valleys, forming deep gorges on the ocean floor. They are mainly restricted to the continental shelf, slope and rise.  Broadly, there are three types of submarine canyons: Small gorges which begin at the edge of the continental shelf and extend down the slope to very great depths, e.g., Oceanographer Canyons near New … Read more DMPQ- What are Submarine Canyons

DMPQ- Penumbral Eclipse

In a penumbral eclipse, the Full Moon enters the Earth’s penumbral shadow. The light from the Earth is partially blocked, and the Moon grows dimmer. In principle, a penumbral eclipse can be a partial penumbral eclipse (with only part of the Moon in the penumbra) or a total penumbral eclipse, where the entire Moon is in the penumbra; however, … Read more DMPQ- Penumbral Eclipse

DMPQ- How does climate control the landform development?

Climate is a major sculptor of landforms. One of generous precipitation often induces extensive erosion through plentiful runoff and stream flow. A moist, cool climate can even favor the formation of glaciers in mountains and high latitudes. Given the proper conditions, these massive ice bodies advance and heavily impact the terrain. A whole slew of … Read more DMPQ- How does climate control the landform development?

DMPQ:Why do earthquake occur? Which regions of the world are highly prone to earthquakes and why? Analyse.

Main causes of the earthquake are plate tectonics, volcaniceruption or anthropogenic activities like explosions, reservoir induced seismicity etc. There is arelease of huge amount of energy in the form of sound and seismic waves causing shaking of earth’s surface. The regions which are on the  boundaries of the tectonic plates are more prone to earthquake.  … Read more DMPQ:Why do earthquake occur? Which regions of the world are highly prone to earthquakes and why? Analyse.

DMPQ:What are Grasslands? Name some of the grasslands of world and mention the importance of grasslands.

Grasslands are areas dominated by grasses. They occupy about 20% of theland on the earth surface. Grasslands occur in both in tropical and temperate regions whererainfall is not enough to support the growth of trees. Grasslands are known by variousnames in different parts of the world.Grasslands are found in areas having well defined hot and … Read more DMPQ:What are Grasslands? Name some of the grasslands of world and mention the importance of grasslands.

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