Indus Valley Civilization
- Discovered in 1921
- Belonged to the bronze age
- An area of about 1.3 mn sq km
- Existed between 3300-1600 BC in three phases: early, mature and late phases
- Sites

UKPCS Prelims and Mains Notes-UKPSC Test Series
Mainstay of Indian Economy Since independence, undergone a change from being the sector contributing the highest share to the GDP to one contributing the lowest share. Agriculture is a state subject. GDP contribution (Agriculture and allied sector) 5 pc in 1950-51 7 pc in 2008-09 and 14.6 pc in 2009-10. It was 19 pc in … Read more Indian Agriculture
Settlement can be defined as any form of human habitation which ranges from a single dwelling to large city. The word settlement has another connotation as well as this is a process of opening up and settling of a previously uninhabited area by the people. In geography this process is also known as occupancy. … Read more Types of Settlements : rural and urban
Rural-Urban Composition: For the first time since Independence, the absolute increase in population is more in urban areas that in rural areas Rural Population in India: 68.84% Urban Population in India: 31.16% Level of urbanization increased from 27.81% in 2001 Census to 31.16% in 2011 Census The proportion of rural population declined from 72.19% … Read more Age: Sex, ratio, rural-urban composition
Natural Hazards of India Disaster A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a community or society and causes human, material and economic or environmental losses that exceed the community’s capacity to cope using its own resources. Vulnerability + Hazard =Disaster Vulnerability- it is defined as the diminished capacity of … Read more Natural Hazards : Floods, Droughts, Cyclones, Landslides
Table of Content:- Role of Commercial Banks Issue of NPA Financial Inclusion A Commercial bank is a type of financial institution that provides services such as accepting deposits, making business loans, and offering basic investment products There is acute shortage of capital. People lack initiative and enterprise. Means of transport are undeveloped. Industry is depressed. The commercial … Read more Banking- Role of Commercial Banks, Issue of NPA, Financial Inclusion:-
Table of Content:- Role of Commercial Banks Issue of NPA Financial Inclusion A Commercial bank is a type of financial institution that provides services such as accepting deposits, making business loans, and offering basic investment products There is acute shortage of capital. People lack initiative and enterprise. Means of transport are undeveloped. Industry is depressed. The commercial … Read more Banking- Role of Commercial Banks, Issue of NPA, Financial Inclusion
Indian Agriculture Mainstay of Indian Economy Since independence, undergone a change from being the sector contributing the highest share to the GDP to one contributing the lowest share. Agriculture is a state subject. GDP contribution (Agriculture and allied sector) 5 pc in 1950-51 7 pc in 2008-09 and 14.6 pc in 2009-10. It was 19 … Read more Indian Agriculture- Current Status, Issues & initiatives.
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) of the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation announced that the new series of Consumer Price Index(CPI) numbers for Rural, Urban and Combined (Rural +Urban) on base 2010 ( January to December)=100 taking all segments of rural and urban population for the month of January, 2011 will be released by the Central Statistics Office for the States/UTs and all- India on 18th February, 2011.These indices will be available for five major groups namely Food, beverages and tobacco; Fuel and light; Housing; Clothing, bedding and footwear, and Miscellaneous.