What is Goods and Services Tax (GST)? What are its slabs? Is there any shortcoming?

Points to Remember: Definition and purpose of GST. GST slabs in India (or specify a country if different). Advantages and disadvantages of GST. Potential areas for improvement. Introduction: The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based consumption tax levied on the supply of goods and services. It replaced a plethora of indirect … Read more What is Goods and Services Tax (GST)? What are its slabs? Is there any shortcoming?

What is Credit Control? What are the qualitative methods of credit control?

Points to Remember: Credit control is a crucial aspect of managing receivables and minimizing bad debts. Qualitative methods focus on assessing the creditworthiness of customers using non-numerical factors. Effective credit control requires a balance between granting credit to stimulate sales and minimizing risk. Introduction: Credit control refers to the policies and procedures a business employs … Read more What is Credit Control? What are the qualitative methods of credit control?

Write down the main features of the Tourism Policy in the State of Uttarakhand.

Points to Remember: Focus on the key features of Uttarakhand’s Tourism Policy. Highlight both strengths and weaknesses. Suggest potential improvements. Emphasize sustainable and responsible tourism. Introduction: Uttarakhand, known as the “Dev Bhoomi” (Land of Gods), possesses immense tourism potential due to its diverse geography, rich cultural heritage, and spiritual significance. The state’s tourism policy aims … Read more Write down the main features of the Tourism Policy in the State of Uttarakhand.

What is the present status of unemployment in Uttarakhand? Suggest a few methods to reduce it.

Points to Remember: Current unemployment rate in Uttarakhand. Sector-wise unemployment analysis (agriculture, industry, services). Causes of unemployment in Uttarakhand. Government initiatives to address unemployment. Suggestions for reducing unemployment. Introduction: Uttarakhand, a state known for its natural beauty and tourism, faces a significant challenge in the form of unemployment. While precise figures fluctuate depending on the … Read more What is the present status of unemployment in Uttarakhand? Suggest a few methods to reduce it.

What are the efforts taken by the State of Uttarakhand for skill enhancement and capacity building?

Points to Remember: Skill development initiatives in Uttarakhand. Capacity building programs implemented. Government schemes and their impact. Challenges faced in skill development. Future strategies and recommendations. Introduction: Uttarakhand, a state known for its natural beauty and tourism, is also striving to improve its human capital through skill enhancement and capacity building. A skilled workforce is … Read more What are the efforts taken by the State of Uttarakhand for skill enhancement and capacity building?

How does the sex ratio affect the development of a country?

Points to Remember: Sex ratio imbalance impacts demographic structure, economic productivity, and social stability. A skewed sex ratio has far-reaching consequences across various sectors. Addressing the issue requires multi-faceted strategies focusing on education, healthcare, and legal reforms. Introduction: The sex ratio, defined as the number of females per 1000 males in a population, is a … Read more How does the sex ratio affect the development of a country?

What do you mean by women empowerment? Outline the provisions given in the Budget 2023-24 for women empowerment in India.

Points to Remember: Definition of Women Empowerment Key dimensions of women empowerment (economic, social, political) Budget 2023-24 provisions for women empowerment in India Assessment of the effectiveness of these provisions Suggestions for improvement Introduction: Women empowerment refers to the process of enhancing the social, economic, political, and personal capabilities of women. It’s about enabling women … Read more What do you mean by women empowerment? Outline the provisions given in the Budget 2023-24 for women empowerment in India.

Define fiscal policy.

Points to Remember: Fiscal policy involves government spending and taxation. It aims to influence the economy’s performance. It can be expansionary or contractionary. Effectiveness depends on various factors. Introduction: Fiscal policy is a government’s use of spending and taxation to influence the economy. It’s a key tool in macroeconomic management, aiming to achieve economic growth, … Read more Define fiscal policy.

What is the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act? Has the Government of India followed it?

Points to Remember: The FRBM Act’s primary goal is to ensure fiscal prudence and macroeconomic stability in India. The Act sets targets for fiscal deficits, revenue deficits, and public debt. The government’s adherence to the Act has been inconsistent, with deviations occurring due to various economic and political factors. Reforms and amendments to the Act … Read more What is the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act? Has the Government of India followed it?

What is globalization?

Points to Remember: Globalization is a multifaceted process. It encompasses economic, political, social, and cultural dimensions. It presents both opportunities and challenges. Sustainable and equitable globalization is crucial. Introduction: Globalization is a complex and multifaceted process characterized by the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries through the exchange of goods, services, information, and ideas. It’s … Read more What is globalization?

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