What is E-Governance? What steps have been taken in Uttarakhand in this direction?

Points to Remember: Definition and scope of e-Governance. Key benefits and challenges of e-Governance. Uttarakhand’s initiatives in e-Governance. Assessment of Uttarakhand’s progress and future recommendations. Introduction: E-governance, or electronic governance, refers to the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to government functions and processes. It aims to improve efficiency, transparency, and accountability in public … Read more What is E-Governance? What steps have been taken in Uttarakhand in this direction?

What do you understand by Citizen’s Charter? What steps have been taken by the Uttarakhand Government in this direction?

Points to Remember: Definition and purpose of a Citizen’s Charter. Key features of an effective Citizen’s Charter. Uttarakhand Government’s initiatives related to Citizen’s Charters. Assessment of the effectiveness of these initiatives. Suggestions for improvement. Introduction: A Citizen’s Charter is a document that spells out the commitments of an organization (government department, public utility, etc.) to … Read more What do you understand by Citizen’s Charter? What steps have been taken by the Uttarakhand Government in this direction?

Who are the Indian Diaspora? What is their contribution to the development of India?

Points to Remember: Definition and scope of the Indian Diaspora. Key areas of contribution (remittances, investment, skill transfer, cultural exchange). Challenges and limitations of Diaspora engagement. Policy recommendations for maximizing Diaspora contribution. Introduction: The Indian Diaspora, encompassing people of Indian origin residing outside India, constitutes one of the largest and most geographically dispersed populations globally. … Read more Who are the Indian Diaspora? What is their contribution to the development of India?

State those Fundamental Rights which are in the form of prohibition.

Points to Remember: Fundamental Rights are basic human rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India. Some Fundamental Rights are framed as prohibitions, meaning they prevent the state from acting in certain ways. These prohibitions protect individual liberties against state encroachment. Introduction: The Constitution of India, under Part III, guarantees Fundamental Rights to all citizens. These … Read more State those Fundamental Rights which are in the form of prohibition.

On what grounds is the demand for small states not justified?

Points to Remember: The inherent limitations of small states. Economic vulnerabilities and dependence. Challenges in maintaining national security. Difficulty in providing comprehensive public services. Potential for political instability and corruption. Introduction: The question of whether the demand for small states is justified is a complex one, demanding a nuanced approach. While some advocate for small … Read more On what grounds is the demand for small states not justified?

Mention the tasks performed by the Finance Commissions constituted for the Panchayats and the Municipalities.

Points to Remember: Finance Commissions’ primary task is to recommend the principles governing the distribution of financial resources between the state government and local bodies (Panchayats and Municipalities). Their recommendations cover various aspects of local body finances, including tax devolution, grants, and gap funding. The process involves extensive consultations and data analysis to ensure equitable … Read more Mention the tasks performed by the Finance Commissions constituted for the Panchayats and the Municipalities.

Describe the Committee structure of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Points to Remember: The UN General Assembly’s committee structure is designed to facilitate efficient handling of its vast agenda. Six Main Committees handle specific thematic areas. Other subsidiary bodies and committees exist to address specific issues. The structure allows for specialized expertise and parallel processing of issues. Introduction: The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is … Read more Describe the Committee structure of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Elucidate the objectives of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in India.

Points to Remember: Universalization of preschool education Improvement in nutritional status of children Reduction in child mortality and morbidity Empowerment of women Health and nutrition awareness Introduction: The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is a flagship program of the Indian government, launched in 1975. Its primary objective is to improve the nutritional and health status … Read more Elucidate the objectives of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in India.

Describe the functions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission.

Points to Remember: Constitutional Body: The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission (SC/ST Commission) is a constitutional body. Protection and Welfare: Its primary function is to protect and safeguard the rights and interests of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs). Monitoring Implementation: It monitors the implementation of safeguards and policies designed for SC/ST welfare. … Read more Describe the functions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission.

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