DMPQ: Jaipur was given the tag of world heritage city recently. Who gives this tag and why it was given?

India’s nomination of the Jaipur City, Rajasthan got status of the World Heritage List of UNESCO during the 43rd Session of the World Heritage Committee held at Baku, Azerbaijan.  The nomination of Jaipur City has successfully been done by complying with the various UNESCO guidelines of 2017. India’s nomination was initially recommended by the ICOMOS … Read more DMPQ: Jaipur was given the tag of world heritage city recently. Who gives this tag and why it was given?

DMPQ: What is Earth overshoot day and what does it signifies

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. We maintain this deficit by liquidating stocks of ecological resources and accumulating waste, primarily carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Earth Overshoot Day is hosted and calculated by Global Footprint … Read more DMPQ: What is Earth overshoot day and what does it signifies

DMPQ- Define the following terms given in forest survey report a) Very dense forest b) Moderately dense forest c) Open forest d) Scrub e) Non forest

The forest cover is broadly classified in 4 classes, namely very dense forest, moderately dense forest, open forest and mangrove. The classification of the cover into dense and open forests is based on internationally adopted norms of classification. It has not been possible to further segregate the dense forest into more classes owing to enormity … Read more DMPQ- Define the following terms given in forest survey report a) Very dense forest b) Moderately dense forest c) Open forest d) Scrub e) Non forest

DMPQ-What do you mean by organic farming? What are its benefits?

Organic farming is an agricultural system that works in harmony with nature. It largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs (such as fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, feed additives etc.) and rely upon crop rotation, crop residues, animal manures, off-farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives and biological system of nutrient Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on … Read more DMPQ-What do you mean by organic farming? What are its benefits?

DMPQ-Recently Forest report was released by forest survey of India. Highlight the major findings.

India State of Forest Report 2019 has been prepared by Forest Survey of India (FSI). It is a biannual report. The report is prepared after mapping of forests and trees through satellite. Key highlights of the report are as follows: the forest area has increased by 3976 kilometers and Subscribe on YouTube the area of … Read more DMPQ-Recently Forest report was released by forest survey of India. Highlight the major findings.

DMPQ- What are dead zones and comment on their genesis?

Dead zones are hypoxic (low-oxygen) areas in the world’s oceans and large lakes. They are caused by “excessive nutrient pollution from human activities coupled with other factors that deplete the oxygen required to support most marine life in bottom and near-bottom water. Historically, many of these sites were naturally Subscribe on YouTube occurring. However, in … Read more DMPQ- What are dead zones and comment on their genesis?

DMPQ- What do you understand by the term climate financing? Explain the sources of climate financing.

Climate finance refers to local, national or transnational financing—drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing—that seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions that will address climate change. The Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement call for financial assistance from Parties with more financial resources to those that are less endowed and more … Read more DMPQ- What do you understand by the term climate financing? Explain the sources of climate financing.

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