DMPQ:What is artificial intelligence? List down its application.

Artificial intelligence is a way of programming a computer, robot to perform human like task such as visual perception, speech Subscribe on YouTube recognition, decision making and translation between language.   Artificial intelligence has wide application cutting across all sectors: In agriculture artificial intelligence is used for precision farming. This will increase the productivity and … Read more DMPQ:What is artificial intelligence? List down its application.

DMPQ: Big data is always in the news recently. What do you understand by the term bio data? What are it potential application?

Big data is the huge amount of data which is present in an unprocessed way. It is Subscribe on YouTube a complex data. Big data is characterised by 3 Vs ie. Volume of data, velocity of data i.e. processed and complex variety of data. Big data has various useful application. The application of Big data … Read more DMPQ: Big data is always in the news recently. What do you understand by the term bio data? What are it potential application?

DMPQ: What is coral bleaching? What are the causes of coral bleaching? 

When there are changes in the condition like temperature, light or nutrients the symbiotic linkage between algae and zooxanthellae gets deteriorated, causing them to turn white. In coral bleaching the density of zooxanthellae decline and the concentration of photosynthetic pigment decline which lead to decline in color. 20% of the coral reefs have already been … Read more DMPQ: What is coral bleaching? What are the causes of coral bleaching? 

What is navigation satellite? India launched IRNSS recently, what is IRNSS? What are its application?

Navigation Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube satellite is a system which provides system of artificial satellite that helps in providing autonomous geospatial positioning. It helps to provide positioning information regarding local time to high precision. Global positioning system launched(GPS) by NASA is an example of it. India Launched Indian regional navigation satellite system … Read more What is navigation satellite? India launched IRNSS recently, what is IRNSS? What are its application?

What is ecosystem? Goods and services provided by the ecosystem are immense. Discuss

An ecosystem is defined as the structural and functional unit of biosphere consisting of community of living beings and the physical environment, both interacting Join Our Telegram Channel and exchanging materials between them. Ecosystems vary greatly in size and elements, but each is a functioning unit of nature. There are two components of ecosystems i.e. … Read more What is ecosystem? Goods and services provided by the ecosystem are immense. Discuss

What are chromosomal disorders? Explain its types? Name and   explain any two types of   genetic disorders?

There are 23 pair of chromosomes in human body. When there is change in the number of the chromosomes or alteration in the structure of the chromosomes, It leads to chromosomal disorder. These orders are called syndromes. There are  two types of chromosomal disorders one is due to change in numbers. These are of two … Read more What are chromosomal disorders? Explain its types? Name and   explain any two types of   genetic disorders?

DMPQ: What is HGP read? How it is different from HGP write? List down the application of Human genome project?

The Human genome project was a large, international and multi-institutional effort that took 13 years from 1999 and $2.7 billion to produce a blueprint of the sequence of genes and space between  genes that make up a typical human genome. Following were the observation of HGP (read)- 99% of the total human DNA is junk … Read more DMPQ: What is HGP read? How it is different from HGP write? List down the application of Human genome project?

What is nanotechnology? Write down its application and mention programmes initiated by government of India?

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology involves Join Our Telegram Channel the concept of manipulating the extremely small things at nanoscale. At nanoscale things behave differently and this properties can be utilised across various fields of science like chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and material science. Nanotechnology has various application: Medicine: Nanoparticle can be used as effective drug deliver. … Read more What is nanotechnology? Write down its application and mention programmes initiated by government of India?

What is HGP read? How it is different from HGP write? List down the application of Human genome project?

The Human genome project was a large, international and multi-institutional effort that took 13 years from 1999 and $2.7 billion to produce a blueprint of the sequence of genes and space between  genes that make up a typical human genome. Following were Join Our Telegram Channel the Subscribe on YouTube observation of HGP (read)- 99% … Read more What is HGP read? How it is different from HGP write? List down the application of Human genome project?

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